Generally I like things, in general.
Old friends, new friends, whoever happens by.
Life has a soundtrack but I am rarely the DJ by apathic choice. I have discovered that hardcore "angry" music makes me laugh... hard... I'm not sure why...Also, in a perfect world we would all be able to sing and dance well. Life would have backing music and everyone would know the words and chorography.
"Sometimes while I'm at the theater watching a mediocore or down right awful movie, I think to myself, 'this is someone's favorite movie, they absolutly love this movie.' and then I at least can find amusment in the crap." ~Tim Aguirre ||| Here's my stort list: The Emperior's New Groove, The Philadelphia Story (that's not the one with Tom Hanks) The Apple Dumpling Gang (from my childhood) Blues Brothers, White Christmas, Primer (awesome Indie flim everyone should see), Return to Me, You Can't Take it With You (everyone needs a little Capra-corn), I Am David, and bring on the foreign flims (you know you are hardcore when you will watch "The Calimari Westler." I dare you watch that one) *subject to change without notice*
Extreme Makerover: Home Edition. I am a sucker for PBS Documentries. Dancing With the Stars. And I'm willing to admit my addition to Remington Steele (on DVD).
I like books. I don't start too many because I won't do anything else until I finish it.
People who are working on changing the world... for good. Which means that Pinky and the Brain are not my heroes. What were they going to with the world if they ever really did manage to take it over? They seemed a bit short sighted.