Movies, music, eating things that taste good, animals, funny internet antics, hypnosis, adventures, blah, blah, blah, headache. I'm already sick of me. Listing off things to prove how interesting or cool you are is really lame. Except when YOU did it of course. That was cool. You're so cool.
God, you, Christina Aguilera
Bands that had fans before they had a record label, not the other way around. Nothing too "top 40" (unless I happen to like something top 40 for a few days).
All kinds. If you recommend it I'll probably watch it. I tend to favor sick twisted thriller types and musicals though. No joke. I was obsessed with Fight Club for too long. And Tarantino makes me hot.
Shows that showcase spoiled and unintelligent teenagers living in California, Oprah, makeover shows, stand up comedy, adultswim, animal planet and LOST.
Buzz book of the month, Harry Potter, old school classics, cheeky authors spewing with social commentary like Palahniuk, Huxley, Vonnegut, Adams, Card, Heller and Kerouac, books that try to suggest solutions to the global environmental crisis and last but not least D/H fanfiction. Oh and Dan Brown.
You at your fullest potential.