xBen Londonx profile picture

xBen Londonx

wether or not you ball or not you could all get shot

About Me

I love Sophie my wife, DT. John Kimbal my American Bulldog, and Kiki Rodriguez my Olde English Bulldogge.

My Interests

My Wife, my Dogs, my bikes, my bro's, Straight Edge, fighting, kickboxing, BJJ, working out, doing cardio, clickity clack clickity clack (dice), collecting Nixon watches.


-Immortal Technique-Irate-Death Before Dishonor-Dead Prez-Propagandhi-Celph Titled-Q Unique-Against Me-Donnybrook-Trial-C Ray Walz-Sworn Enemy-Classified-Bad Religion-Talib Kweli-Necro-One B Lo-Merauder-Buried Alive-Tyrant-Nasir Jones-Onyx-Suffocate Faster-Jedi Mind Tricks-36 Mafia-Blackstar-


boondock saints. dirty work. snatch. fear and loathing in las vegas. kingpin. fight club. falling down. deuces wild. resevoir dogs. momento. shawshank redemption.run lola run. casino. Xmen 1&2. daredevil. (yeah im a nerd). so i married an axe murderer. anchorman. zoolander. punisher. saving private ryan. any chris farley movie. kill bill 1&2. sin city. ong bak. battle royal. lucky number slevin. dawn of the dead. 16 blocks. goodfellas. thank you for smoking. BORAT.....


Pride/UFC/King Of The Cage/TKO


the criminal code.


my Grampa George Yelland. he served his country in the second world war and has been a tough man ever since. he allmost lost his life to prostate cancer after working in the Cancer Clinic building treatment machines to save poeple lives. he beat that. he lost use of his knees and fought through it. he lost alot of his mobility to his decreasing health and join problems.he taught me all that i know about machining and he was a big influence in my life. i will miss him alot. R.I.P. gramps, "gone but not forgotten".

My Blog


ok I heard nicole Richie and the singer for good charolette are having a kid.......wich brings me to my point...parenthood should not be a right but a privilage. any mother fucker who forgets their co...
Posted by xBen Londonx on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 12:25:00 PST


here are a few things that bother me.kids who think they are tough for dancing at hardcore shows.i used to dance all the time at shows before alot of kids went to them. not to outrank anyone, but we n...
Posted by xBen Londonx on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 12:25:00 PST


i recieved a little while ago a Stearns and Foster Manhattan Plush Silk Euro-Top bed. it is one of the best beds money can buy. i top this bed off with white on white stripe Egyptian cotton 320 t...
Posted by xBen Londonx on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 12:35:00 PST

bikes, bikes and more bikes and what im doing these days.

so i got to a store called To Wheels to buy a mountain bike. i love my lowrider but it isnt practicle. i got this new job and its akward to bus too, so i figured biking would be faster and it is good ...
Posted by xBen Londonx on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 06:08:00 PST


here it is. i love it! i also have a twisted downcrown for it.  its lowered a bit in this pic, i have the spring for the suspension aswell. and a couple of flashing LED lights to stop you from ge...
Posted by xBen Londonx on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 04:19:00 PST

Pro Life vs. Pro Choice...

ok, what side are you taking? explain why. this is a big issue in the sXe community esspecially so i want to know what you all think.   xxx B.
Posted by xBen Londonx on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 03:48:00 PST

TRIP up north

so....... my girlfriend grew up in a town called Kapuskasing. it is 11 hours straight north by car from London. and it is very different up there. -people dont lock the doors to their houses. -people ...
Posted by xBen Londonx on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 09:33:00 PST


so whats up? i am home now from a tour that lasted one and a half months. on tour with x IN THIS DEFIANCE x is an amazing experience. but me and the bands have mutually parted ways. i have alot in my ...
Posted by xBen Londonx on Mon, 01 May 2006 09:38:00 PST

Im a smooth pimped out player from the streets who knows how to get his...

heres a pointless update on my life, random thoughts...and people in my life right now.   friday, Sophie got her implants. it was EXPENSIVE, but i believe it was a good choice for her. she has on...
Posted by xBen Londonx on Sat, 18 Feb 2006 09:37:00 PST


.....put "x" s around your name and are not straight edge. sXe people use the X to represent theri beliefs right? makes sence, you've all seen it before. so why use a well known symbol incorrectly? i ...
Posted by xBen Londonx on Thu, 05 Jan 2006 08:51:00 PST