Ralphus profile picture


Comin at Ya like a spatula!!!

About Me

Okay so Back in Liverpool now and back in uni studying Software Engineering. At the moment busy applyin for Jobs ready for my placement year, its more work than you would ever think!!!!To add to the whole comic thing its getitn a little bit out of hand now, I mean i have batman posters on me wall now! but i just can't help it its F******G AWESOME!!!!I went to the festival i was on about was awesonme and i have already sorted stuff out to go again this year can't wait!!!

My Interests

Computers, Knowin stuff, Women, Goin out, Havin a laugh and telling really stupid lies that people believe for example the next one i have planned is telling everyone im out with an invisible 6 foot rabbit!!!!

I'd like to meet:

A Pooka And That Is?

New Years Eve Pictures!!!!! Click Me

Ralph's Friends

BOOBIES!! As in myself and the lady Fellow Tux wearer Bad Tache WAX IT!!!DRUNK!!!
Party Animal!!Got the picfrom an ArgosCatalogueJamMasterDanThats his housein the background!!
This is One of my Gay Lovers
See how he caresses Me


Allot of stuff really, Changes on a regular basis My music of the moment though is the new Snow Patrol album!!, Zutons, Hard Fi, Boy kill Boy, Kooks and Lovin the new Muse album


Got to be First Matrix before i knew what was going on and what it was about, Spawn cos its down right cool and Movie of the moment is got to be SUPERMAN cos im fucking love COMICS saddd!!! but i don't care


Don't need it got broadband. Frees me up with lots of time


Otis the Ardvark Captain planet and Captain bucky o Hare. Do you remmeber them ACE!!!