Writing, politics, C-SPAN, CNN, the New York Times, Barnes & Noble, web-surfing, spending time with family and friends, long drives, long walks, learning new things, exploring new places, sharing a good laugh. It depends on the moment. I can be spontaneous, too. It just depends on the mood and the day.
I am open to people of all walks of life: race, gender, religion, ethnicity, cultural background, and even political persuasion (conservative, liberal, etc). I think there is more to life than labels. In the end we're all human.
Horror, comedies, some drama, anything that's worth the time and money, as long as it's well written, performed, directed and produced.
C-SPAN, X-Files, All in the Family, Real World (some seasons) Real World vs. Road Rules (sometimes), cable news.
Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre, Charles Dickens' Great Expectations, Don Quijote de la Mancha, Romeo and Juliet, Notes from Underground, Les Miserables, some Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Patricia Cornwell, Lawrence Block, and others.....
My family, friends, people who are there for me unconditionally, without asking for anything in return, people who keep our streets clean because they have a necessary, difficult, thankless job (and they deserve our many thanks), the NYC police officers who drove my mother to the hospital at high speed when she was about to give birth to me. I never got a chance to meet them but I'm grateful to them no matter where they are.