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I just finished my first year of pharmacy school! Thank goodness!!! USC C/O 2010 babyyy!!! Only 3 years to go! I love the ocean, nature, anything that will give me serenity :) I miss trying to surf! I'm still learning how to stand on the board which is another goal for the summer! Music has always been an inspiration for me! I love listening to it and dancing to it!!! I miss Salsa dancing and would like to pick that up again someday! I am always a baller inside even though you don't see me playing games but I'm always down for shooting around!!! I love to laugh and be free spirited! I love energy and being around people! Most importantly haha I loveeeee fooood! I'm always down to try new restaurants that are VEGETARIAN friendly! I've been a vegetarian since I was 12 and don't live one day to regret it! I lovee it!