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Christina Tran

I am here for Networking

About Me

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Live.Love.Laugh.Learn. No regrets...Now have fun=) Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past
Stop planning the future
Stop trying to figure out precisely how we feel
Stop deciding with our minds what we want our hearts to feel And just have to go with…
“Whatever happens-happens”
Treat me the way you would want me to treat you. ;)
Viva la vida! -Frida
Life is too short to be anything but happy. So laugh often, kiss slowly, love deeply, take chances, embrace moments that take your breath away, give everything, do not pay any mind to anyone that rubs you the wrong way because one day life will catch up to them and they will eventually have to grow up. Then again.. There is a saying in spanish totally translated into English: Accept others for their differences as they would yours and then all may be in peace. :D Also, forgive quickly don't forget, learn from your mistakes, learn to forgive yourself, NEVER regret anything, and accept that you can't change the things that occur or why ppl are they way they are. =)But you can take immediate action to fix what has been done. Then after that, take it for what it is and hope for the best.
AS for me.. I've seen and felt things that have changed me forever. That is why I don't waste my time complaining about stupid little things because in the end, the thing that matters most is I still have my family, friends, and my health.
I LOVE my family and my friends... Life can't get sweeter than this !! ;D
Friendship cannot be bought or sold yet the value of it is far greater than a mountain made of gold. =D
I enjoy the good times with my friends...

I <3 my buddies... they are there through think and thin!
I'm blessed with an Awesome FAMILY! =P
With or Without You - Sungha Jung

My Interests

I LOVE ADVENTURE and I LOVE GREAT FOOD! I'm willing to try anything and everything once... YES please!.thai food. vietnamese food.mexican food oh hell-- FOOD =D.concerts.bars w/ great live music.sleeping.hugs not drugs.catching up with old friends.laughing to the point I cry and my stomach tulips).dorks. morning kisses.cuddling.sleepin in during the rain.running on the beach with my ipod at sunset.kickboxing.ballet.belly dancing.receiving notes and from the heart.surprises.bubble baths.arizona tea.experiencing CULTURE SHOCK TO ITS FULLEST! haha YES! The many different cultures of the world ROCK! I love living in a place and taking it evertything it has to offer! I love Spanish! I would love to learn more and MORE languages. I want to see all the Spanish speaking countries. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION ROCKS! These make life easier =) I gotta LOVE: paseros.haha* metros in Mexico (nothing beats 25cents for transportation) and all metro systems in Europe, the Bart in Frisco, the tube and double deckered buses in the UK, sitlo in Vietnam, the tuc tuc in Thailand..They get me where I want to be! =)

I'd like to meet:

Good honest people =) Especially the funny ones!


I cannot live without it. Music is my homeboy ;0) Lauren Hill, Tupac, Baby face, Enya, The Dixie Chicks, SWV, Johann Pachelbe (love LOVE Canon D), Total, Green Day, Yellowcard, Garbage, The Cranberries, Big Runga, Belanova, Zo&#233;, Man&#225;, Juguares, Nelly Furtado, No Doubt, Shakira, Sin Bandera, Reik, Wilson Phillips, Bryan Adams, Maroon 5, The Bangles, Linkin Park,Ne-Yo, Chris Brown, Evanescence, Sublime, Guns N Roses, New Wave..hehe, I'm a total 80s lover too: The Cure, Depeche Mode, and so on...


YES PLEASE! ESP. W/chocolate covered gummi bears... 50 First Dates, The Wedding Singer, Click, MOST Adam Sandler movies, My Sassy Girl, I love love LOVE romantic comedies, Shawshank Redemption, Bad Boys I & II, Spiderman, How to Lose A Guy in 10 days, Sweet Home Alabama, Matrix, To Kill A Mockingbird, Hotel Rwanda, Forrest Gump, The Wizard of Oz, Coming to America, Finding Nemo, Shrek, Stand By Me, Big Fish, The Lion King, 300, and tons of foreign films... OH heck! I could go on... hehe


Not much anymore... I liked TV when I younger while growing up... There were better shows then..sigh* BUT*I DO have to say I love watching Grey's Anatomy, Heroes, and Prision Break ( I have no patience for commercials so thank goodness for tvo ;D).


YES please! Now that I'm done with school and I don't have to deal with text books anymore =)

My Blog

Check out this video: Sarah mclachlan- World on Fire

Check out this video: Sarah mclachlan- World on Fire Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Christina Tran on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 11:39:00 PST

Pictures from my 23rd bday!

I love my fam bam and friends! 303289120/ Thanks for the pics Apple!
Posted by Christina Tran on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 06:44:00 PST