sarah profile picture


About Me

Im a shop-a-holic!!!!!im outgoing♥brunette♥i like movies♥i like puppies♥i love abercrombie n hollister((practically my whole closet))♥i like the movie grind((my favortie movie))♥if someone says something rude to me then i stand up for myself♥i love tanning♥im very random♥i love hoodies♥i love adam brody♥i love doing make-up n hair((i am a great hairstylist))♥i love preppy boys who have shaggy hair♥guy has to make me laugh♥i love stephen from laguna beach♥i love my family♥i love gettng my hair n nails done♥i love my cellie♥i love cali♥i like hearts n stars♥pearls♥diamonds on belts on skirts n purses♥big sunglasses♥beaches♥palm tress♥sunsets♥palm tress♥romance♥bolek♥i love poka dots♥pastel colors♥polos♥laguna beach♥mean girls♥pajama pants♥hanging with my friends at guys houses♥parties♥and thats me homie♥and cant forget love growing up gotti!!!!♥

My Interests

CutetAlLfUnNy♥a sWEeT gUy♥


♥euro♥techno♥rock♥hates country♥pop♥punk rock♥alternative♥BANDS♥starting line♥fallout boy♥taking out sunday♥killers♥the used♥hawethorne heights♥system of the downs♥trapped♥smile empty soul♥my chemical romance♥all american rejects♥papa roach♥lots and lots more♥


♥my fav. is grind♥guess who♥meet the fockers♥scarface♥mean girls♥gladiator♥


♥Growing up Gotti♥Laguna Beach♥O.C♥