The Maryland Green Party is the third largest party in the state of Maryland. In only seven years we have grown to almost 10,000 members and have run dozens of candidates for state and local office. We need your help! Donate your time, creativity, or money to our efforts to protect the environment, stop social injustice, end wars, and strengthen grassroots democracy. Visit our website at Send donations or correspondence to the Maryland Green Party, P.O. Box 754, Laurel, Maryland 20725. Thanks to all who voted in our 2008 Presidential and Congressional primary! We are sending 16 delegates to Chicago next month. In addition, we nominated Gordon Clark to run for Congress in Maryland's 8th District. He's one of our MySpace friends. Check out his page!
My Interests
Social Justice, Grassroots Democracy, Peace and Non-Violence, Ecological Wisdom, Future Focus and Sustainability, Respect for Diversity, Feminism, Personal and Global Responsibility,
Community-Based Economics, and Decentralization