Learn more about my campaign at http://www.jaredbforpresident.com .
Support my campaign by donating - any amount will do, from $1 - 1,000.
I am a member of the DC Statehood/Green Party, an assistant professor of communications studies at Morgan State University in Baltimore, MD., an independent journalist, a radio host with WPFW 89.3 FM in Pacifica Radio Washington, DC and founder of FreeMix Radio: The Original Mixtape Radio Show – a freely distributed monthly hip-hop mixtape dedicated to the practice of emancipatory journalism. Most importantly I am a husband and a father of two. I am a navy veteran who served during Desert Shield/Desert Storm, a graduate of Frostburg State University with a degree in history, a graduate of the Africana Studies and Research Center at Cornell University with a masters degree in Africana Studies and a graduate of the University of Maryland at College Park where I earned a doctorate in journalism and media studies. I have been a bartender, pizza delivery man and a high-school teacher in DC’s public school system before settling in at Morgan State University. I am the son of a European-descended Jewish woman and an African-descended Black man whose politics, class (caste) and commitment to human rights has made me intimately aware of the social forces at play maintaining the kinds of gross inequality and oppression which continues to be the basis of most human interaction and which must be dealt with systemically before we can expect any better a society or world. Most importantly, I am husband to a powerful and dynamic woman from Panama and father to our two children. In short, my background and politics while diverse are unified in a belonging and commitment to Black, Latin, Indigenous and oppressed communities whose justice must be made central if this country is to improve.