wINNing tROPhiEsfIXing up OuR riDezdRinKing ANd gEttin DrUNk =pkICK BaCKs and pARTIesgOing clUBbINg and HollERing at SEXY LadiE'smAKing $mONeY$dOING ILLegal ConTrOLLed sUBstANcessMokINg 420'sHavING sEXAND YOU knOW Da rESt ;)
wE lIKEd tO mEEt uPComING NEw PEEps in The ImPoRt sCENe thAt mIgHt be wILLinG tO RePREsent fOr tHE teAM IN tHe fUtUrEOr UpcOMinG ModEL's INteRESted in GEtting eXpOSUre and GiViNg us eXPosUre as Well*We sTaRTEd fRom tHe vEry bOttOM and WorkEd Our wAYs tO The vEry tOPsO wEre aRe Well RoUNdEd PEople and WE keeP thINGs on The REAL tIpWe Liked To mEEt ALL you kOOL peOPLE's oUt oVeR thUrrrrrRRR ;)
gIVE me sOMETHing i cAN dANce tOoyOChingy - Holidae Inn
Video provided by VideosU WannA BattLE?YOu mUSt be kRazy*
ImpOrt tUNERsUPeR stReetACcESs mAgzmAX euROHondA TuNNingeuRo lOW rIdERTuRbO MAgzetc.....
mYLE's hASEGaWa @ visIOn tHanks fOR THE lOVE yO