Miles Away From Creased profile picture

Miles Away From Creased

Who Acutally Reads This Crap.

About Me

To protest the absurdity of the friend hierarchy that is made so tactlessly apparent on every Top 8 collection on this horrendous whore of a website I've replaced all my real friends with porn stars and comic book superheroes. You may be wondering why the last five look like real people. Well, worry not. They aren't. As to whether they are porn stars or superheros, that is for you to decide.

My Interests

Hating fat people. Yes, even ones with the the genetic predisposition for fatness.

I'd like to meet:

People who don't use this website, as I am sure anyone who even takes the time to fill in "I'd Like to Meet" is a blubbering moron.


Anything that doesn't suck.




TV is probably the least interesting and most boring thing anyone could ever do. If you watch any serious amount of it you should be shot to help save the US health care system from the flood of lard that will become or currently is your ass.


These things are great. And apparently you can um, like, get them for free and stuff.


My dick, most other phalli, and most vaginae.