I am
21 years old - available - a best friend - completely shameless (alright! Almost) - creative - a dog person - eager to please - easily disappointed - enchanting (KATE SPYHALSKY!) - an epileptic - extremely bad at Photoshop - a fledging audio engineer - full of regrets - funny - a good listener - going to high five myself for eternity - a heavy hitter - helpful - in dire need of a change - indecisive - intense - lacking a drivers license - a promotion wonder - a proponent of independent bands - reliable - seeking knowledge - strong willed - the nice guy - tired of being medicated - tired of this list - trustworthy - willing to give ANYONE a chance - a younger brotherThings I dig
Achewood - arranging music - audio science - Baltimore - beer and pizza - being outdoors - chiropractic - composing music - cooking - diners - E-bay - fridays - friends that are like family - ginger ale - going to shows - groove - inspiration - jazz live performances - late nights with good people - listening to music - movies - music collectives - music promotion - my time being physically well - paychecks - playing shows - poker - Pork Pie Percussion - power outages - Remo - sleeping in - the beach - the cliffs - the cement factory - the terms "JEAH!" and "F'real" - the UK - thunderstorms - women - Zildjian CymbalsThings I can do without
arguments - bad cover bands - being too sick to leave the house - breaking cymbals - cold rain - contrived music - coffee - confrontation- debt - Donnie Darko - European spellings - hard alcohol - Hurley, NY - ignorance - insomnia -internet lingo/alternate capitalization - Monday mornings - people with two faces - rap - snow over 6 inches - waiting in line - writers block