umm i just love to clean.....its kinda my job though!! oh boy but is it fun! hehe i get chills just thinking about it!!! oh my god is it fun i could clean allllllll day long...and i wish people could see how fun being a bubble bath can be!!! oh boy i cant wait for the next bath!!!!
hmmmm some of the famous shampoos and conditioners such as suave and clairol*sighs*i wish i could be one of them!!! but im very happy being a fampous bubblebath!
pop(get it)....bubbles POP!!! hehe...just some soap talk, me and my dove friends do.
spongebob squarepants movie(the bubble party was my fav!!),,,,,,,ummm well really any movies with bath or bubble scenes!
wellllll the bubble commercials really......but mostly my commercials wich you rarely see...*tear*
all about bubbles....the anatomy of a bubble..... the bubble that could..... and bath and all bubble books!!
oh wow...uhh my pop(hehe again)um and my grandpop for starting my buisness in the bubbleworks!