Martini Suicide profile picture

Martini Suicide

close your eyes, i'm gonna make you famous

About Me

if you are 18 or older, and are not offended by hot, naked punk, goth and emo girls...
click on one of the sg banners and sign up to become a member of the hottest website ever!!

you should also consider befriending Fable House... cuz we're awesome and we put on AMAZING shows!

all about martini:
suicidegirl (see above link for details)
1 of 4 landlords of fable house (see link for details)
15 piercings..(many more to come)
2 tattoos..(many more to come)
3rd year university student..(1.5 more to go)
photolab/retail servant..(4 years running)
aspiring photographer..(been at it for 5 years)
full-time artist..(creativity never sleeps)
loves receiving presents ...(hell, who doesn't??)

My Interests

i art, music, body mods, blood, hanging out, reading, watching movies, laughing etc..
i ^3 :
liars, ignorant assholes, homophobes, possibly you.

I'd like to meet:

bam margera and compton ass terry...
so michy and i could krump with them.


Get this video and more at


hardcore, punk, rock, hard house, industrial, classical, classic cetera


fight club, gia, american history x, green mile, donnie darko, boondock saints, awakenings, SLC punk, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, hannibal trilogy, saw, boogeyman, napoleon dynamite, sin city, etc...
i could go on and on.. basically:
i LOVE movies!


the daily show, colbert report, inked, from the ground up, cosby show, full house, simpsons, family guy, american dad, war at home and most of the shows on discovery, a&e and tlc.


- broken teeth/light bulb fascination
- the basement journals.
buy them:


michy, sean, mom, gramma, jon davis, angelina jolie, and artemesia gentileschi.

My Blog

Cancer is a Bitch!

one of my best friends has recently (re: thursday) been informed that her battle with cancer is about to continue. this is her third time 'round in the fight and she needs help covering all of her med...
Posted by Martini Suicide on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 03:03:00 PST

Punk the Hallz

fable house show number 5 was a huge success. i got to relinquish my duty of door bitch for another night and was instead the photographer!the bands were amazing... bag lady's musical debut was seamle...
Posted by Martini Suicide on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 12:26:00 PST


dear fable and myspace friends,thank you to E-VER-Y-ONE who made it out last night! the show, RollerSuicide (fable show ..4 of 12), was a HUGE success... i was absolutely blown away by the turnout and...
Posted by Martini Suicide on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 11:56:00 PST

An Ode To Inspiration

Was a HUGE success!I realize I am a lot a bit late in writing this (back at school.. blow me) but thank you SO much to everyone who made that night amazing!The performers were to DIE for... and the ga...
Posted by Martini Suicide on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 05:57:00 PST


"....Fable House events are about the 'Experience' and not just another night-out...."Greetings! Fable House's First show was a HUGE success and now it's time to start planning show number two of twel...
Posted by Martini Suicide on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 05:20:00 PST

FABLE HOUSE: show .1

HostedBy:FABLE HOUSE EVENTSWhen:Thursday Aug 03, 2006at 7:45 PMWhere:Holy Joe's (19+ event!)651 Queen St. WToronto, CA view map here-----------------------------------------------------ple ase come out...
Posted by Martini Suicide on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 05:56:00 PST

Last Call

well what a surprise! while i was off galavanting around in missouri my second set went live!thank you to all those who have commented already.. and those of you who haven't really should take a look ...
Posted by Martini Suicide on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 05:43:00 PST

Toronto Gala 2006

dear internet,i attended the 2006 toronto suicide girls gala this past saturday. it was AWESOME! i had an amazing time meeting and talking to all of the awesome members i have gotten to know over the ...
Posted by Martini Suicide on Tue, 30 May 2006 10:44:00 PST

SG on MySpace

dear internet,look at me! i have teasers now, weeee!special thanks goes out to this lovely lady for making them for me!just out of curiosity, have you noticed that has invaded myspace...
Posted by Martini Suicide on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 01:05:00 PST

SG Sets

dear internet,the sets on SG have been increasing in quality so much even in the year i've been one of the girls. its such an honour to be listed among those other gorgeous ladies. if you're not alrea...
Posted by Martini Suicide on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 09:25:00 PST