Fuck niggas .... bitch i gets my Money all Day! profile picture

Fuck niggas .... bitch i gets my Money all Day!

Da more yOu Hate the stronger Ill get me my money my life biTcH.... hAHAHAHA bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

About Me

Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.com

My Interests

My intrests are............................... to get to tHe ToP fast liKe Nascar ....... zoom zoom You know!!!!

I'd like to meet:

Ill love To meet ppl with a postive attitute ppl with money ppl who are doing something with their live. Me personally I Like To Do tHings and In order to do things or go places you have to do wat you have to do to get wat you want... thats where other ppl come in you know


Bay area bitch straiGht Up fUck dat Dwn souTh shiT.. dont gEt me WrONg it slAp oR Wateva iTs at the toP of the chARts But Im Fron the Bay so YOu KnoW wat tHAt mEan Straight YoC e40 keak messy marv too $hort ... you knOw da Rest bitch.....


My favorite movie is Napolien Dynamite


ChaRm school!!!!!!!! DAt sHit go!!!


Once a Liar always a liar... by nicole MAcray


My heroes are the real people surrounded behind me who back me up whenever I need them.... Mostly my mother and The Lord Jesus Christ!!!!!!