Pool, Darts, Football, hanging out with friends, BBQing (i make a mean rack o ribs), My House, chillin and watchin movies, Golf, Skiing, Biking, Boating (as soon as I git me a Boat!) Oktoberfests!, any kinda festivals, relaxing, stuff
Well aside from ( O ) ( O ), I'd like to meet some people in the denver area to hang out with. I just moved here from NY. I'll kick your butt at pool, darts, you name it! bring it on, Sucka!
Office Space, Fight Club, The Big Lebowski, Casino, Kung Pow:Enter The Fist, Hero, Iron Monkey, Aliens, Excalibur, Dune, Swingers, Raising Arizona.. Many Many More...
Most Extreme Challenge
The Foundation Triolgy, The first few Wheel of Time books, Naked Lunch, LOTR Trilogy, The Hobbit, The Entire Dune Series - Children of Dune is my Favorite, The Princess Bride.
My Father