Valgor profile picture


I am a well built mathematician.

About Me

myspace is very serious.

History teaches us there is no right culture or way to live, but there are many wrong ways to live. For example, the belief you live the right way and force others for the sake of their life to live your way.

My Interests

Thought, Thinking and women that exist only in the 5th dimension (I will take a female from the 6th only if she is really cute).

I'd like to meet:

people like anna who say:

"If only I could so live
and so serve the world
that after me, there should never again be birds in cages."

Also, I take Peace and Love SERIOUSLY.


Music isn't too bad. I would recommend listening to some.


Movies aren't too bad. I would recommend seeing some.


Do your job
Do it right
Life's a ball
TV tonight!

TV dinner by the pool
Ain't you glad you went to school?


These are books one can't live without:
Daniel Quinn - Ishmael
Ayn Rand - The Fountainhead
Kurt Vonnegut - Time Quake
Tom Robbins - Still life with a Woodpecker
Richard Dawkins - The Selfish Gene
Stephen Wolfram - A New Kind of Science

This isn't a joke. You have to read these books!


Our President Bush because he is freeing Iraq. And all of Congress for helping him. God bless America.

My Blog

the old and the new

Have you ever been caught dumbfounded by the heaping mass of literature and art whose subject matter at its core deals with the deals with desires and implications of peace while our modern civilizati...
Posted by Valgor on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 07:36:00 PST