Thought, Thinking and women that exist only in the 5th dimension (I will take a female from the 6th only if she is really cute).
people like anna who say:
"If only I could so live
and so serve the world
that after me, there should never again be birds in cages."
Also, I take Peace and Love SERIOUSLY.
Music isn't too bad. I would recommend listening to some.
Movies aren't too bad. I would recommend seeing some.
Do your job
Do it right
Life's a ball
TV tonight!
TV dinner by the pool
Ain't you glad you went to school?
These are books one can't live without:
Daniel Quinn - Ishmael
Ayn Rand - The Fountainhead
Kurt Vonnegut - Time Quake
Tom Robbins - Still life with a Woodpecker
Richard Dawkins - The Selfish Gene
Stephen Wolfram - A New Kind of Science
This isn't a joke. You have to read these books!
Our President Bush because he is freeing Iraq. And all of Congress for helping him. God bless America.