Two quotes every person should know:" Si possis recte, si non, quocumque modo rem." Translation: If possible honestly, if not, somehow, make money. -Horace (65-8 BC)"Video meliora, proboque; Deteriora sequor" Translation: I see the better path, and approve; I follow the worse. -Ovid (43 BC-AD)So has gone the story of my, to my family and friends that KNOW me and have supported me through the roughest; I love you all.To my new friends and visitors; thank you for being part of this new part of my life.TO ALL; NO MATTER WHAT IS IN YOUR PAST OR WHAT HAS HAPPENED YESTERDAY...That was then! It's not where you are, it's where you are going! NEVER LISTEN TO NAY SAYERS, YOU ONLY HAVE ONE LIFE; ONE. LIVE WITH RESILIENCE, NEVER SEEK PITY AND MOVE ON FROM ADVERSITY. AND NEVER, EVER, LET SOMEONE TELL YOU THAT YOU CAN'T. AND PROVE IT. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER...
INDUSTRY PEOPLE!EXISTING Nightclub, Bar & Restaraunt Owners/Partners
FUTURE Nightclub, Bar & Restaraunt Owners/Parteners
COMPANIES looking for merchandise/product marketing & Branding through specialty events!
- We are here to help
Up & Coming EventsFeaturing Robert Casillas & Monsoon Group members as Guest Speakers and Educational Program & Seminar Leaders!
August 24-27
Mandalay Bay
Las Vegas, NV
Shows we will be attending
WoW! It's my life... I like it all, but House and Dance...Turn it UP!
I'm still crying from Old Yeller!
Dave Chapel & Jackass- That's me. "My Doctor says I need a Backee-odomy!"
"The Count of Monte Christo"Need I saw more?
Anyone that touches my life.