of mine are: Everything
Future of My World
Real Estate
Concerts and FestivalArt
And of Course....The SEX...DRUGS...AND.... ROCKNROLL!!!
The ones making a Difference in the World....And the ones that want to MEET ME!
Chevy Chase, Nicholas Cage, Lee Ann Tweeden....And More
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Lifting Shadows - The Authorized Story of DREAM THEATER
The Fugitive, Shawshank Redemption,Usual Suspect Boddock Saints,American Gangster,Scarface Walk The Line,Ray,BraveHEart,Titanic,Edward Scissor Hands, Pearl Harbor,Forrest Gump,Butterfly Effect Transformers,Iron Man,Fantastic 4Spider Man I-II-III Lord of the Rings I-II-III, SAW I-II-III,Matrix I-II-III Pirates of The Carrabien I-II-III,X Men I-II-III Shrek I-II-III,Oceans I-II-III,Die Hard With Vengeance Punisher,Ghost Rider,Batman,Hudson Hawk Goonies, 21, Big,Labrynth,Never Ending Story Lost Boys,Naked Gun,Major League Summer School,Little Nicky,Happy Gilmore,How High Requierm Of A Dream,Boogie Nights,Blow,Casino, Cemetery Gates,Primal Fear,Coming to America Armed And Dangerous, Half Baked Dick Tracy,UHF,Life Stinks,Space Balls,Dusk To Dawn Independence Day,League of their Own,The Suburbs Beetle Juice,I'm Gonna get You Sucka Killer Clowns From Outer Space,Tango And Cash Men At Work,MoonWalker,Thriller,Gone in 60 Seconds, Lord of th Dogs, Point Break,Munich, No Country for Old Men 30,000 miles to Grace Land,GhostShip,Beastmaster BloodSport,Career Opportunities,FightClub Seven,Boyz N The Hood,Menace to Society,Alien Abyss, Casino Royale,Money Train,White Men Cant Jump King Kong, Snake Eyes, Demolition Man, Street Figther,Mortal Kombat,Dont Tell mom The Baby sitter is Dead Blob,Boogeyman,Hide And Seek,Italian Job Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas, Something About Mary,License To Drive,Hard to Kill Under Siege,Glory,Full Metal Jacket,La Bamba, Leaving Las Vegas,Sky Captin and te World of Tomorrow, School of Rock, Memories of an Invisible Man, Capote, Manchurian Candidate,The Pursuit of Happiness,Shooter, DejaVu, The MistToo mAny To Fucken Name,.....DRAMA,COMEDY,FAntasy,Triologies
Top Chef, Iron Chef, Take Home Chef Poker LA INK,
Are Laid in Chapters that talk about stories, HAve a narrator, First person,Beginning to end or to be continued.....some are long And Short...Some Are Boring and Typically SuspensFul....Im into Books Associated with Studies in Any Feilds that Makes THis World Work....Religion,Science,History...ETC!