Jeff profile picture


ScramJet = Supersonic Compression RamJet Engine

About Me

I am an engineer with a hiking problem.

My Interests

Nature and natural landscape photography. Also Science, Physics, and astronomy.

I'd like to meet:

Anybody capable of holding intelligent conversation. Slander will not be tolerated. Be patient though, I may not always answer my messages right away.


Eclectic, Chill Out and KCRW


Nothing Specific


I like to read. Some of my reading credits include some Shakespeare plays, Homer's Odyssey, JRR Tolkiens The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, Ursula K. LeGuinn's Earthsea series of books, the first two Harry Potter books, Ray Bradbury's Dandelion Wine and Feirenheit 451, a few Sherlock Holmes mysteries, Isaac Asimov's I, Robot, Arthur C. Clarkes 2001, 2010, 2061 and 3001, Child Hood's End, and Rendevous with Rama. Currently reading Ursula K. LeGuinn's The Dispossed, and Brian Greene's The Elegant Universe. Would like to continue reading Harry Potter books, Chronicles or Narnia, Homer's Illiad, Heart of Darkness and Arabian Nights. Plus any other books that I find interesting or intellectually stimulating.


Heroes? I don't really have any. There are people whose personality traits I aspire to, but they are fictional charcters. No real life heroes or anything. Honestly, if I met a celebrity, I probably wouldn't care that much.

My Blog

My Space Plans

In the past, I've hardly even paid any attention to this space.  That'll change.  I'm planning to make this a forum for my nature photography and my natural landscape photography.  Peop...
Posted by Jeff on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 11:29:00 PST