My name is Rim. I like as I may dislike everything. I love music, sludge metal, artists, 2 or 3 guys, southpark, psycho/horror movies and games, no one, to scream, Louisiana, Dax Riggs. I damn love Rabat (in Morocco) where I was born and the 90's. Everyday is a huge turning point for me and I change my mind every second trying to stay around the same (mind?). Hey, shall all minds follow a ROAD like I heard or is it stupid to make their own? Forget this. I apreciate you, all of you people, your humour, your tattoos, your pictured life, your hypocrisy, all. Somehow I just hate society (?). Times I need depression I just go, switch on TV, and watch the news. YOU KNOW. I'd love to say fuck your heart and soul, there is an END and just let it all die. I'm pissed to say there are limits, shut up and die.
Am I happy? hum.... well, the philosophers are right, gotta define it first. I already had all I NEVER wanted and all I always hated, everything sucks and that's just FINE.I have very open way thinking and don't have to carry an ocean of complications, interrogations, justifications, instructions, judgements, fears or whatever. Simply I accept life as deathly is. Never forget a thing and regret nothing. At Last I am not a myspace profile so you can add AND chat, thanks :)
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