Music , technology ...
I play in such bands as Burning Blood & Awersja 666
hardcorepunk : snapcase , earth crisis , indecision , dawncore , newborn , bridge to solace , faust again , angelreich , frontside , blood is the harvest , there is no escape , betercore , i shot cyrus , confronto , point of no return , sunrise , children of gaia , minor threat , warzone , schizma , 25 ta life , charles bronson , hellnation , horse the band , disfigured corpse , zlodzieje rowerow , april , hibakusha , guernica y luno , ewa braun , wlochaty , post regiment , am , homomilitia , ratos de porao , infekcja , krzycz , bulbulators , bilety do kontroli , as i lay dying , the black dahlia murder , narziss , heaven shall burn , caliban ... and satan's : immortal , dimmu borgir , cradle of filth , behemoth , dark funeral , satyricon , ador dorath ...