I Giggle... profile picture

I Giggle...

on some positive...give God all praise type stuff!! Get on my level or get left at the bottom!! i'm

About Me

Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.combut I am a PRINCESS non the less so I AM.. talkative... energetic... messy but never dirty...assertive (most of the time)... intelligent... compassionate... loving... determined... driven... funny (to those who know my humor)... enthusiastic.. happy (generally as a person)... stubborn... goofy... spoiled (but never rotten)... somewhat complex.. I am the girl you LOVE to HATE...the girl you LOVE to LOVE... the girl you HATE to be DISLIKED by....all wrapped into one AMAZING WOMAN!!! How convenient huh?!? LOL!! "...never said it would be easy..onlie that it would be worth it" "nothings thatts worth it comes easy" and just in case you didnt get it...I AM WORTH IT!!! (SMILE)I LOVE... my life... my friends... sushi (not the raw stuff)... hot fresh pizza... pinapple sake... dancing.. partying... SHOPPING... laughing... marley moments... climbing trees (its an insider...you'll never get it)... writing poetry... cheerleading... delta zeta... crystal blue oceans... white sand beaches... dolphins... white tigers... black panthers... There is so much more about me...more than can be revealed here on MYSPACE...although I must say...I've done a good job of briefing...LOL...I crack myself up!These two are my ROCKS!!! my mommy and my bruder!!! I LOVE YOU BOTH SOOOO MUCH.....Its soooo GREAT to have FAMILY like this!!!!I am a the captain of the Cal State LA cheerleaders....we ROCK!!! dont get it twisted....hahha...."I'm sumthin like a captain...i go out and make it happen...while these other heffas yappin"DAAAAAMN....this is me looking in the mirror....its what i see...100% BEAUTY!!! inside and out...I am as GOOD AS IT GETS!!! not conceited...jus CONFIDENT!!! I am a Senior in COLLEGE...a DOUBLE MAJOR, the CAPTAIN of the CHEER SQUAD, the SECRETARY of DELTA ZETA (Gamma Upsilon Fall 2005),I'm such a PROFESSIONAL!!! I am SWEET, INTELLIGENT, COMPASSIONATE, and DRIVEN!!! dont mean to toot my own horn but...toooooot tooooooot!!!! But I give ALL thanks to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for without which none of this would be possible!!! IM IN SUCH A GOOD PLACE!!!This is me and my favorite Pisces....TAVO!! so much beyond words...but yes I AM OUTTA CONTROL...AND LOVING IT!!!!Did I mention I am a sister of DELTA ZETA!!! Actually I am now the SECRETARY!! haha...yessss....this is me and my BIG EREN!!! i love you big!!!This was my first DELTA ZETA FOOTBALL GAME....awww check us out with jerseys n stuff....hehe...i played OFFENSIVE AND DEFENSIVE LINE....knock'n BEEZIES on their RUMPS!! And we couldn't have done it so easily without our wonderful SIGMA NU football coaches HILARIO, EMMANUEL, AND ENRIQUE!!! Thanks guys!!awwww...one of the many GIRLS NITE OUT!!! there are my f'ing PEOPLEZ yo!! P.Marie, JBell and Toots!! I LOVE YOU LADIES to deff!! oh..i have a new game..who's down to play?I LOOOVE to PARTY!!! and SIGMA NU happens to get it crackin!! Here we are at HILARIO's....that nite was OVERLY fun!!! Me, Tess I had to find out the HARD way that some friendships just aren't made to last, but this one...it's a sure WIN!!! Me & PERSILALA...haha...yes I called you that on myspace....lol...I was taking her to see her DREAM man Ginuwine....ahhahaha...So here are me and some of my DELTA ZETA SISTERS (fabi, my big, me, shari, and loren)...ROCKSTAR nite...too cute...look at that view from the TURTLE PALACE!!! ..

My Interests

i LovE ChilLin WiTh My FrIenDs....the more days that go on the fewer "friends" i find myself having...THEIR LOST!!!
I HATE BEING BORED...SO YOU'LL FIND ME OUT -N- ABOUT SHAKIN IT UP @ THE NEAREST CLUB, DORM, FRAT HOUSE, PRETTY MUCH ANYWHERE THAT THERE IS MUSIC AND FUN PEOPLE...I lOvE tO dAnCe...LeT's SeE...WhAt eLse... ItS aLl aBout tHat CHeErLeaDinG... NatuRallY...aNd YeS...It IS a SpOrt....I LOVe thE wAteR...iTs ThAt PiScEs Shyt.... I LoVe tHe OcEan EsPecIalLy.... iT hAs To Be OnE oF tHe MoSt SoOtHiNg ThiNGs...tO siT baCk WaTcH tHe SuN seT or RiSe...aNd WiTnEsS aLl yOu PaiNs dRoWNiNg iN tHe SoUnd Of ThE cRaShinG wAvEs....but With My HEctIc sCheduLe I UsUallY SEttLe fOr A sWim IN thE pOOl...NaW..BuT rEaLlY...I tRy To gO tO ThE bEaCh As OftEn As I CaN......U oNly HaVe One LiFe...So ImA LiVe MYne To ThE FUlleSt...

I'd like to meet:

something that is rare in this world...GENUINE people!!! LIKE ME!!!


i LikE A LiL bIt Of EvErYthINg...BuT CoUnTry MuSiC pRoBaBlY GeTs LitTlE tO nO pLaY tImE iN mY BlAcK TrUcK... i LiKe StUfF tHaT mAkEs My WiNdOwS sHaKe AnD YoUr CheSt VibRatE...hehe..i got sounds :)


yOu GotTa LoVe: ThE nOteBoOk..it's f'ing perfect... ummm...NaPolEoN is the absoulte GUTZ...and FiNdInG NeMo


iTs aLL aBouT: ThE L wOrD...sEx In The CiTy....WiLl & GrAcE...ThAt 70's ShOw...ThE o.C..Ed EdD and EdDy...and ThE SimPsOns...


hmmm...lets see there's sooo many...but @ the top of my list would be: ThE CoLdEsT WInTeR EvEr...SeX cHrOnicLes...and BetWeeN LoVeRs


GoD of CoUrSe... WiThOut HiM... LiFe WouLd Not ExiSt... My MoMmY.. sHe iS my RocK... My MoM iS fReAkiNg GREAT... aLwaYs TheRe PusHinG Me On... I LoVe YoU... mY BruDer..He ToOk Me In & WaS tHe MalE RoLe MoDeL i NeEdeD...lIke A fAthER...I lOvE YoU bruDer .AnD aLL tHosE peOPlE whO hAvE pAveD tHe Way For Me To BE oN tOp...Jus ThE wAy I LiKE It...

My Blog


Its so sad that everytime we try this thing called friendship...we (meaning you) let the world throw down the toilet...haha...YOU talk so much about how people lie...blah blah blah...but seriously...L...
Posted by SoMEtiMeS I GiGGLe on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 03:44:00 PST


FEELING GOOD FEELING GREAT!!! maan, people just dont know how hard I am laughing at them when I go home..PEOPLE MAKE ME LAUGH... im no one... and all in the same im THEE ONE you cant stop talking abou...
Posted by SoMEtiMeS I GiGGLe on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 05:43:00 PST


i mean geeez...can i never find a balance between the two? its either really bad or really good...for the goodtimes i appriciate so much when the follow the bad but the bad...i know we are suppose to ...
Posted by SoMEtiMeS I GiGGLe on Thu, 01 Sep 2005 05:42:00 PST