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Ian T.

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a working-class organizer in Los Angeles. I strive for revolutionary change in society. A genuine workers' organization which seeks to raise class consciousness and overthrow the system of exploitation, racism and bigotry is what's needed. Buying "green" won't do it...This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace http://www.uberware.net/travel/pictures/nepal/Nepal-303.jpgP rofile EditorFind me on MySpace and be my friend!

My Interests

Party for Socialism and Liberation http://www.pslweb.orgANSWER Coalition http://www.answercoalition.org http://www.answerla.org

I'd like to meet:

People who want to change the world and rid it of exploiters. People who hate racism and want a world based on justice, equality and cooperation. People who believe in national liberation and justice for all oppressed peoples.


Gang of Four, Scott Walker, Nick Cave (Bad Seeds, Birthday Party & Grinderman), ACDC ("For those about to rock ... you know), International Noise Conspiracy, Dinosaur Jr., Bauhaus, Black Sabbath, Matthew Sweet, The Coup, Bloc Party, Public Enemy, Babyshambles, The Red Army choir, Bullhorns at protests, PSL Podcasts, The Smiths, Jarvis Cocker, Jim O'Rourke, Ornette Coleman, Tindersticks, Eagles of Death Metal, Queens of the Stone Age, Los Duggans, North Korean national anthem, the Pixies, the Libertines and more.


Ma 6-T va crack-er (by Jean-Francois Richet), Paradise Now & Rana's Wedding were great (Long live Palestine!), early Soviet cinema, Salt of the Earth, Jacques Rivette, everything by Charles Burnett (especially Killer of Sheep and Nightjohn), George Romero's "Dead" zombie films, Rosetta, Abbas Kiarostami, early Antonioni, Joseph Lewis rarities, Fritz Lang (including his long-disgraced Indian films), An Injury to One (Travis Wilkerson), Sylvia Scarlett, The Bandwagon, Teorema (Pasolini), The Killing (Kubrick), Videodrome (Cronenberg), Scarecrows, White Dog (Sam Fuller), Kiyoshi Kurosawa, and about 10,000 others. I even like Jerry Lewis (especially his Frank Tashin films). A big "no" to Top Gun, however. I'd rather watch Hot Shots Part Deux. The worst film of all time is either DW Griffith's pro-KKK Birth of a Nation or Gus Van Sant's insipid Good Will Hunting. You make the call. Also, Vincent Gallo is a neo-fascist who's films convey his unbelievable bourgeois view of himself and the world (or, rather, himself as the world and vice versa).


Arrested Development, Masters of Horror, Lost (minus the religious overtones), all things Joss Whedon, not TJ Hooker, not Star Trek (but the new Battlestar Galactica is really good, although reactionary at times), and I would say X-Files but the leads play FBI agents. I hate the FBI. And I hate all cop shows. How about showing some working-class people who care about what happens to other people?! Where are the progressive TV shows? It won't really happen under capitalism--the economic structure of society determines the superstructure's worldview, including culture (if TV is culture) and politics.


Liberation newspaper, Socialism and Liberation magazine (like a serialized book), China: Revolution and Counterrevolution, and other communist propaganda by Marx, Engels, Lenin and others. Movies as Politics (by Jonathan Rosenbaum), In Defense of Marxism (Leon Trotsky).


All great revolutionaries in the historic struggle for working class emancipation. From the rank-and-file to the leaders - all are important. Doing something with your life other than pursuing only "fun" is worthwhile.

My Blog

New mass movement demands immigrant rights

Amnesty and full legalization now! New mass movement demands immigrant rights By Monica Ruíz One million march for immigrant rights. Los Angeles, March 25, 2006. Photo: Bethany Malmgrem In ...
Posted by Ian T. on Tue, 02 May 2006 03:48:00 PST

U.S. promotes sectarian violence to divide Iraq

Colonial divide-and-conquer strategy U.S. promotes sectarian violence to divide Iraq By Richard Becker "Maybe the war was wrong, but now that we're there, we have to finish the job." So goes a comm...
Posted by Ian T. on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 09:35:00 PST

Sign the Petition Demanding Full Rights for Immigrants

Sign the People's Petition / Firme la Petición PopularDemand Full Rights for Immigrants!¡Exijo Derechos Plenos para los Inmigrantes! Legalization Now! ¡Legalización Ahora!http://www.answerla.orgEnglis...
Posted by Ian T. on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 09:33:00 PST

Over 1 Million Protest in LA for Immigrant Rights

The Largest Demonstration in the History of California:Over 1 Million Protest in Los Angeles for Immigrant Rights! A.N.S.W.E.R.'s main banner reads: Full Rights for Immigrants! Legalization N...
Posted by Ian T. on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 09:31:00 PST

Special limited-time offer: 12 issues of Socialism and Liberation magazine only $24

Click here: http://www.socialismandliberation.org/Merchant2/merchant.mvc ?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=PS&Category_Code=MS...
Posted by Ian T. on Fri, 03 Feb 2006 03:41:00 PST

People's movement advances against Nepal's monarchy

Peoples movement advances against Nepals monarchy By Ian Thompson Communist guerrillas now control 80 percent of Nepal. Photo: Pete Pattison On Jan. 3, 2006, explosions targeting government...
Posted by Ian T. on Fri, 03 Feb 2006 03:36:00 PST

Activists defeat anti-immigrant mobilizations

Activists defeat anti-immigrant mobilizations Photo: Bill Hackwell Racist, anti-immigrant groups like the Minuteman Project and the Connecticut Citizens for Immigration Control called a nat...
Posted by Ian T. on Fri, 03 Feb 2006 03:32:00 PST

Stepped-up threats of U.S. aggression against Syria by Richard Becker

Stepped-up threats of U.S. aggression against Syria By Richard Becker The author traveled to Syria in December 2005 to attend an international conference on Palestinian refugees and the right of re...
Posted by Ian T. on Fri, 03 Feb 2006 03:31:00 PST

New racist legislation attacks immigrants by Carlos Alvarez

Solidarity more important than ever New racist legislation attacks immigrants By Carlos Alvarez Congress seeks to further militarize the border with Mexico. Photo: Earl Cryer In December 20...
Posted by Ian T. on Fri, 03 Feb 2006 03:27:00 PST