I would like to meet people that are enjoying growing and healing. People that are on a spiritual path and love their relationship with our Creator. Those that are happy, optimistic, truthful, compassionate and loving towards themselves and others. People that are "on purpose" in their lives contributing back to our planet and the beings that live upon her.
People that are interested in private SRT clearings. These private sessions clear the subconscious mind of discordant energies and programming therefore creating a more positive joy filled life!
People that take responsibility for their own health. Others that are interested in finding out about energy drinking water, clean air, deep sleep, good nutrition and relief from pain and injuries. www.nikken.com/balancedlife
THE SECRET - Planet Earth
This is a gift for you. This clip features our beautiful Planet Earth. As you experience this clip you will emit positive forces of energy across Planet Earth that will reach every single living thing on it. You will lift yourself, and as you lift yourself, you lift the entire world.Bless you, your family and our global village!
Elephant Painting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He7Ge7Sogrk
This is the most INCREDIBLE video that I have ever seen. If you ever had any thought that humans are the only mammals capable of expressing beauty into the world, you must watch this video. It will forever alter your conception of the sentient nature and consciousness of non-human beings in our world.
GOD IS HERE - available at www.rainbowbridgeseries.com & amazon.com
My Mom, My Son, Jesus, Myself (Hey, if I do not believe in myself who will!) Oprah Winfrey, Bob Proctor, Jerry and Esther Hicks and anyone who brings hope to the world by letting their love, strengh and talents shine! HEART 2 HEART - IT'S A GOOD THING! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MONTPHr7V1w