Joey Page Poland profile picture

Joey Page Poland

Joey Page Poland

About Me

Hey eveyone :D
My name is Daria and i`m polish (but right now i`m living in England) :D I`d like support great singer Joey Page =] That way I make this profile about him :D:D
Some informacion about Joey PAge :D:D
Name: Joseph Phillip Page
Birthdate: 29 June 1990
Siblings: An Only Child
Pets: 1 dog, 1 turtle and 2 cats
Subject: Science
Color: Silver
Movies: Anything with Adam Sandler
Books: Harry Potter
Sports: Basketball, Volleyball, Track
Past-times Running, Swimming,Singing, Hanging with friends and listening to music
His biggest inspiration? His parents
Multi talented singer / songwriter/ producer, Joey Page is a star on the rise. The Orlando native has spent most of his young life immersed in the entertainment industry. He has embraced all aspects of the music industry and is growing musically at an alarming pace. Joey's roguishly handsome looks, charm and cool as can be swagger makes him equally hip to the young girls that swoon for him as to the young guys that want to be like him.
As an artist Joey has been heavily influenced by many of today's artists as well as some of music's legendary performers. Joey has a strong understanding of today's music scene on a global level and is a true student of the industry. He has demonstrated the ability to tap into a wide array of emotions and convey them through his lyrics and music. He is an expressive young man that makes no excuses or apologies for who he is. What sets Joey apart form many of today's young artists is his undeniable stage presence. Joey exudes charisma at every turn and is a true throwback, a genuine showman. Whether performing a laid back track, an up tempo anthem, or taking it down for a heart wrenching ballad the audience always leaves wanting more.
Currently Joey is putting the finishing touches on his upcoming LP and has been on the road promoting his music and live show. With an already rabid fan base that is increasing by the day and the resurgence of the pop music scene in the industry world wide Joey is poised to be "America's Next Pop Icon".
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D :D:D:D
Czesc wszystkim
Nazywam sie Daria i jestem polka :D (ale teraz mieszkam w Anglii) :D Chcialabym wspomoc wspanialego piosenkarza Joey`a Page =] Dlatego stworzylam ten profil o nim :D:D
Troche informacji o Joey`u :D:D
Imie i nazwisko : Joseph (Jozef) Phillip (Filip) Page
Data urodzin : 29 Czerwiec 1990
Rodzenstwo: Jest jedynakiem
Zwierzaki : Jeden pies, jedna tarantula i dwa koty
Ulubione -
Lekcja : Nauka
Kolor : Srebrny
Filmy : Wszystko z Adamem Sandler
Ksiazki: Harry Potter
Sporty : Koszykowka, Siatkowka, bieznia
Przeszly czas : bieganie, plywanie, spiewanie, wypady z przyjaciolmi i sluchanie muzyki
Jego najwieksza inspieracja : Jego rodzice
Przystojny i utalentowany piosenkarz/ autor tekstów/ producent, Joey Page, dostasta³ w Orlando, gdzie pamieta jak s³ucha³ wszystko od N`sync i Britney Spears do wczesnego rock-n-roll rytmy The Beatles i the Rolling Stones.
Teraz sam jest artyst¹, jego muzyka ma mocny wp³yw na trendy artystów tak jak Justin Timetlake i Usher. Joey ma wrodzony talent do wszechstronnego wyra¿ania emocji z jego piosenek, które zwracaja siê do serc nastolatków oraz dojrzewania w tym samym czasie.
Joey to wyrazisty m³ody mê¿czyzna który siê nie usprawiedliwia ani nie przeprsasza za to jaki jest. Uzbrojony w prosty i jasny g³os Joey dostarcza dzwiêku i przywo³uje roznamiêtnione emocje oraz punkty obu ¿ywych i surealistycznych obrazów ¿ycia. Joey jest obecnie w studiu nagrywaj¹c nied³ugo wychodz¹c¹ p³ytê i nieustannie buduje lojalny pos³uch.
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D :D:D:D

My Interests


Member Since: 9/9/2007
Band Members:

hi5 Layouts - hi5 Editor - Image Hosting

Influences: Some important info from Official Joey`s Street Teem !!!Do you want to run the Official Street team for a day? Do you want Joey to send you a personal gift? Do you want to be our NEXT fan of the month? Here’s how!Who wants to see Joey Page in Popstar! Magazine? We all do but it’s only going to happen if YOU wonderful fans make it happen. This contest is going to be based on a Vote basic.-everytime you email Popstar! Magazine you will get 1 VOTE(your only allowed to email them once a day)-everytime your friend email’s Popstar! Magazine you will get 2 VOTES.(They must message me on myspace with there emails!)-everytime you/your friend leaves a comment on Popstar! Magazine’s Myspace you will get 5 VOTES! (you must message me on myspace with your comment!)-everytime you leave a post on Popstar! Magazine’s forum(Called JOEY PAGE) you will get 10 VOTES! ( I will be giving out EXTRA VOTES to everyone who is posting a lot!)Links/email address to popstar! [email protected] to earn BONUS POINTS? -Comment/email a picture of Joey to Popstar! And you will receive an extra 2 VOTES each time you leave a email/comment!-If you use an Official Street Team Banner/Joey Myspace BANNER you will get 4 extra VOTES each time you leave a comment or an email!Questions? -can I or my friend leave more than one comment on Popstar’s myspace? YES, but there has to be at least 10 comments between your next comment. -What happen’s if I email/or comment more than I am asked to? You will be taken out of the contest-Do I really get all of those VOTES for posting on Popstar! Magazine’s Forum? YES! + EXTRA VOTES!End date: Saterday, November 17th at 12:00pm Eastern
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Saturday, October 13, 2007 massage from Joey

Saturday, October 13, 2007 ..>   10-13-07 Hey!!!I've been having a lot of trouble keeping up with myspace. My schedule has become extremely CRAZY and I'm getting hundreds of messages and com...
Posted by Joey Page Poland on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 10:15:00 PST

First post

Hey People!! I`d like welcome everyone on this page about singer Joey Page :D:D:DI was thinking about make this myspace page really long time...and we are :D:DLet me know how U like it :D:D...
Posted by Joey Page Poland on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 01:27:00 PST