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About Me

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been at this shyt 4 a while.. a middle school thang wit my nigga a luciano family representa..wha up mizzum..do ya thang bra.....went off to college 4 a year..tryin to do the right thang....yea right hahahaha i was back in tha city in 8 months...Natty Bwoiz pop'd off in 2000..my thug brothers....myself,fya man,lil fya,trig,$100,and F-Dough) ....big thangs...alots shows, rydin dolo now Stack-n-Flip Records.....jus a matta of time..and my nigga Fya Man & Lil Fya doin tha Butcha Block Music thang good luck my niggaz, trig and $100 keep it up.......LOVE

My Interests


Member Since: 09/09/2007
Influences: florida,lousiana,texas, cali and memphis,tenn.....(Brenda's got a baby,made me wan rap)
Sounds Like: the money comes naturally and these bytches gone sweat regardles!!!!! wha u thank??? sound like real shyt!
Record Label: $tack-N-Flip

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