Lord_Nikon profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Lord_NikonOther folks just call me Chris
aka JamBandFan

Over-educated, computer professional, politically and socially liberal child of the sixties. I'm a network administrator living near Charlotte, NC. When not at work, I ignore the yardwork and play with my Corgi dogs (see pictures), try to play golf, and fly my airplane, a 1964 Piper 140/160 (see pictures) and catch shows. I love jam bands.
My newest hobby is photography. Go see:My photo site:


My pictures are on the band websites of Perpetual Groove, Umphreys McGee, New Monsoon, Tea Leaf Green, U-Melt, Stumble and the Mantras, and the MySpace pages of PGroove, Stumble, The Mantras, Sci Fi, Thackery Dairy Road, Incognito Mosquito, Heidi Sidelinker, Lotus, Dead End Parking and the North Mississippi All Stars.

Stop by and say hello.

My Interests

Music, travel, museums and art galleries, flying, sailing, scuba diving, reading, movies, and trying to learn golf.

Most recently I've gotten into photography. I shoot with a Nikon D300, a D200 and a Fuji S2 (all digital) and use Sigma EX series telephoto lenses; I have a 2.8 17-35mm, 2.8 28-70mm (35-105mm), 2.8 70-200mm (100-300mm) Nikkor 50mm (78mm) 1.8 prime, another Nikkor 50mm (75mm) f/1.4 and an 85mm (127.5mm) f/1.8 prime and a SB-600 Flash unit. In those spare moments, I am attempting to master Adobe's Photoshop.

In March 2006 I carried my camera to Amsterdam. On the second night of Jam in the Dam I thought, "why don't I take it to the concert". Since then I've made a hobby of shooting bands. My favorite band is PGroove, of whom I've taken 10,000 and posted over 2700 so far from 45 shows. Two more are Stumble and the Mantras. I recently started trying portraits.

I'm looking for models who would like to collaborate on projects.
Want your picture taken?

I like to use the filters in Photoshop to make interesting images.

I'd like to meet:

Folks interested in Music. Fans of Perpetual Groove. Photographers. People who are open-minded. The crazy. wild and the dispossessed.

Apply within.

Now these are funny! Talking rabbits. Watch!


JAM BANDS: The Grateful Dead, Phil Lesh and Friends, PGroove, Ratdog, WideSpread Panic, Phish, Umphrey McGee, Disco Biscuits, Gomez, Steve Kimock, Blues Traveler, , Gov't Mule, STS9, Moe, New Monsoon, North Mississippi Allstars.BLUEGRASS: Bela Fleck and the Flecktones, Jerry Douglas, Sam Bush, Tony Rice, Peter Rowan, Bill Monroe, Russ Barenburg, Edgar Meyer, Tim O'Brien, Darryl Scott, Gillian Welsh, Steve Earl, Del McCrory Band, Chris Thiele.JAZZ: Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Dave Brubeck, Chick Corea, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Stan Getz, Dave Grisman, Stanley Clarke, McCoy Tyner, Wynton Marsalis, Weather Report.THE CLASSICS: Bob Dylan, Pink Floyd, The Cure, Frank Zappa, George Clinton/Parlament/Funkadelics, REM, Lowell George, The Who, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Kinks, James Brown, The Allman Brothers.NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIED: The Flaming Lips, Mr. Bungle. Blue Floyd. Trey Anastasio, Edgar Varese, Igor Stravinski.
In late 2005 (after my divorce) I started back hitting the music scene after a few years of not making many shows. 1995-2004 I was into Bluegrass and from 1987-95, mostly the Grateful Dead, WSP, REM and the whole Athens scene while a grad student at UGA. I've been on a festival kick lately; Echo, Bear Creek, Caribbean Holidaze, Jam Cruise 6 and Langerado.Bands seen in 2006-8
PGroove (57), Umphrey's McGee (18), the Disco Biscuits (14), Benevento, Russo - the Duo (5) Sound Tribe Sector 9 (4) Trey, Mike, Duo, WSP (3), Trey Anastasio (4), Phil Lesh and Friends (3), Moe (5), the Flaming Lips (2), Tea Leaf Green (3), Beck, The Funky Meters (5) Brock Butler (8), Lotus (2) Michael Franti and Spearhead (7), Steve Kimock Band, Les Claypool (3), Brain Damaged Eggmen (2), Bruce Hampton & ARU (2), North Mississippi All Stars (3), New Moonson (5), The Motet (2), GreyBoy Allstars (2), ALO (3), Deep Banana Blackout, Railroad Earth, Zero (2), Galactic (6), Yo Mama's Big Fat Booty Band (8), Dumpstaphunk (3), New Mastersounds (3), The Mantras (18), Stumble (7), the Bridge (3), Antibalas Afrobeat Orchestra, Remarkable Elba Kramer, Keller Williams (3), Warren Haynes (4), Gov't Mule (7) Trey, Mike, Bill K., Bela Fleck and the Flecktones (5), Karl Denson (5), Gomez (2), Fantastic 4, Zilla, Critters Buggin', Papa Mali, Everyone Orchestra (5), New Riders of the Purple Sage (3), Dark Star Orchestra (4), George Clinton, Charlie Hunter, U-Melt, Thacker Dairy Road (4), Incognito Mosquito (3), Sci-Fi (4), Dead End Parking (4) Alex Lowry and Heidi Sidelinker of Lowry (4), Grace Potter and the Nocturnals (4), Yonder Mountain String Band (2) Bush, Douglas and Meyer, G Love and Special Sauce, 311, the Beaties Boys, the New Deal, Sam Bush, the Wailers, The Heavy Pets, The Roots, Arrested Development, Citizen Cope, Thievery Corp., Ben Folds, Medeski, Martin and Wood (1) w/ John Schofield (1), REM, Ani Defranco, The National Garag Mahal Laura Reed. Hope Massive


Serenity!!! All Kurasawa's, The Razor's Edge, Take the Money and Run, Bananas, Zoolander, All Hitchcock's, Wembeldon, A Long Day's Journey into Night, Casablanca, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, To Have and Have Not, Solent Green, Blue Velvet, Drugstore Cowboy, Donny Darko, Prince of Darkness, I love movies that are so bad that they're good again.


Real Time with Bill Maher, the Daily Show, Numbers,(retired) Buffy, Angel and Firefly.


Authors; David Foster Wallace, Neal Stephenson, William Gibson


Those who overcome adversity in their lives.Wayne Coyne of the Flaming Lips

My Blog

Langerado Review in Honest Tune

Honest Tune (The Southern Journal of Jam) sent me to shoot the Langerado festival. My first work for them. My writer could not go so I had to handle both tasks. I have written lots, like a dissertati...
Posted by Lord_Nikon on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 04:48:00 PST

feeling pretty good these days

Good afternoon dear readers, I have been remiss in writing here of late. Maybe it is because I was in Jamaica for Caribbean Holidaze, returned in time for Christmas with the family, straight into t...
Posted by Lord_Nikon on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 11:53:00 PST

wow, a whole month has passed

Hey there folks,I can't believe 4 weeks have passed since I wrote here. I suppose I've been rather busy. My new Nikon D300 arrived on December 6th. Tried it out with The Mantras (two nights), SciFi an...
Posted by Lord_Nikon on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 02:50:00 PST

just another day

Good Morning Dear Friends,I am feeling no love on the job front. My present employer isn't giving me enough work so I've been looking for a while. The market appears tight and the period between Than...
Posted by Lord_Nikon on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 10:16:00 PST

Umphreys and PGroove and Bear Creek Music Festival

Good evening friends, Wow, what a great four day run. Started with Umphreys McGee @ Amos' Southend in Charlotte Thursday night. I'm third in line on a cold and windy evening, photo pass at the door....
Posted by Lord_Nikon on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 10:24:00 PST

employment possibility and a Bear Creek weekend

New stuff:Had a second interview at a local company and it all looks good. Final interview on Tuesday. I think I would like this job.Umphrey McGee tonight.Brad and I are headed to the Bear Creek Musi...
Posted by Lord_Nikon on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 10:05:00 PST

this week

Good afternoon friends,Let's see, new house is coming along, but slowly. I would rather get things right there before moving and the best reason to be out of this place is to sell it, and nothing is ...
Posted by Lord_Nikon on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 09:51:00 PST

last week

Good evening dear readers,More of you every week are dropping by. It is nice to know some many are interested in my silly little life. To catch you up, no word from Microsoft yet. Few calls from the r...
Posted by Lord_Nikon on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 09:20:00 PST

the Disco Biscuits and Microsoft

  Good Evening Dear Readers    I have had an eventful few days since I last wrote.  I had a restful weekend, even stayed home on a Saturday night.   A surprise interview ...
Posted by Lord_Nikon on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 06:37:00 PST

ECHO project Trip report

 Attended the ECHO project this weekend. I had to wait until I was sure I could get away so I didn't get a ticket until a couple of weeks before the show.  Decided to camp and get the VIP pa...
Posted by Lord_Nikon on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 10:01:00 PST