GOOD television, GOOD music, GOOD times.
Past CD Warehouse crew, some Cheapo crew, the Mallman, a $2 a gallon gas station
it IS my life.
Apocalypse Now, GlenGarry GlenRoss, Lost in Translation, City of God, Deer Hunter, Goodfellas, Godfather I & II, Royal Tenenbaums, Manchurian Candidate, Maltese Falcon, Empire Srikes Back, Blade Runner, Casino, Welcome to the Dollhouse, many, many more...
Larry Sanders, LOST, Twin Peaks, Hell's Kitchen, Project Runway, 24, Prison Break, Buffy, Angel, X-Files, Miami Vice, Letterman, Conan
They still make these???
Letterman, Cramer, Cooper, Scorcesi, Herzog, Conan, Groening, many more...