kpplz profile picture


Ladies, let me tell you about myspace...

About Me

Hopefully a friend, hopelessly an asshole...My latest job is SO retarded! I don't touch the internet anymore because I don't have to and ain't supposed to. I check my email once a week at this point. Haven't been on Myspace for a few weeks now, but it's nice to hear from you guys anyway. I'm still pluggin' away at this game we call "LIFE"; who knew it to be so true??My love to you all, and sorry if I seem more distant than usual. Kate and I have had computer issues recently; her laptop and my desktop. We're trying to correct appropriately on our budget. She, being breadwinner and computer job related won the toss. We got Kate a new laptop.I can manage with my desktop just fine for now. I don't want to venture outside Yahoo sports scores and sometimes email because I had a fatal error ("blue screen of death") trying to update my anti-virus and lost my firewall.Maybe it's time for my comp to die, but she's been good to me so far, and seems like she'e got some fight in her. I don't have a name for "her", but she's served me well.

My Interests

GOOD television, GOOD music, GOOD times.

I'd like to meet:

Past CD Warehouse crew, some Cheapo crew, the Mallman, a $2 a gallon gas station


it IS my life.


Apocalypse Now, GlenGarry GlenRoss, Lost in Translation, City of God, Deer Hunter, Goodfellas, Godfather I & II, Royal Tenenbaums, Manchurian Candidate, Maltese Falcon, Empire Srikes Back, Blade Runner, Casino, Welcome to the Dollhouse, many, many more...


Larry Sanders, LOST, Twin Peaks, Hell's Kitchen, Project Runway, 24, Prison Break, Buffy, Angel, X-Files, Miami Vice, Letterman, Conan


They still make these???


Letterman, Cramer, Cooper, Scorcesi, Herzog, Conan, Groening, many more...