DJ (12yrs), Play Guitar(14yrs), Graphic Design/Computer Animation, Movies, Music, Photography, Life.
Cool Laid Back People
TOOL, Pink Floyd, Nu Shcool Breaks,Drum N Bass ,Tribe Called Quest, Kanye West,Chavelle,Led Zepplin,Craig Mack,Busta Rhymes,Ice Cube,Bjork,and other such refinemants.
The Departed,Godfather 123, Alien 1 2, Usual Suspects, Garden State, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Naked Lunch, Star Wars, THX1138, Lost in Translation,Kink Kong, Lord Of The Rings,Mad Max,Syriana,Time Bandits,Incredible Shrinkinmg Woman,9 to 5,Young Guns,
24,Lost,Doctor Who,Jericho
Anything by Clive Barker
My Grandparents,Bill Hicks