Drawing, Japanese anime, Japanese culture, Guitar(sorta), Igo(Go), computers, AE86 Hachi-Roku, eating babies, Barbies, GI Joes, toaster ovens.
Everything by Adam Sandler except Punch-Drunk Love.
Lost & Found
The Breakfast Club
Spirited Away
Waking Life
Phantom of the Opera (wonder why eh?)
Romeo and Juliet (wonder why again..)
Interview with the Vampire
Queen of the DamnedAnime's:
Ninja Scroll
Princess Mononoke
Hunter D (forget full title name but this movie kicks ass)
Spirited Away
Family Guy
The Anime's that i watch on my computer..
I'm not a big t.v. person...
Blood and Chocolate
Dead of the Night
The Watcher
The Seeker
Wondering what to read next. something.. Insightful. Any Ideas?
I have no Heroes..