Politics, policy, sports, movies, military history, UFC, enjoying family & friends
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Texans are working harder than they have ever worked before with less to show for it. It is time for that to change. We need to take back Texas for the people. We need a government in Washington that stands up for Texans and doesn't walk all over us.
One night I was driving back from Austin with my buddies, Joe Moreno and Jessica Farrar. As we were driving back, Joe popped in this song and said, listen, these guys really get what it's all about. This song is for Joe and all the people that get it . . . we miss you Joe.
Justice, Land and Liberty
You, listen to my song, hear it, hear it
You, listen to my cry, hear it, hear it
Brothers and sisters from other races
From another color and a same heart,
You pray and pray, and you get nothing,
That’s why we’re doing the revolution (of love)
We demand for all the respect
Respect to the Indian and his dignity
Villa already said it, Zapata said it
How would we have freedom?
How would we have dignity?
How much would I like
Would much would I wish for love
When will we have democracy?
When we will throw down bureaucracy
How much would I like
Less insanity and more love
Love, pain, lovev
You, listen to my song, hear it, hear it
Justice, Land and Liberty
Casablanca; Lilies of the Field
Andy Griffith Show, Seinfeld, Sopranos, West Wing
Next one I read. Always several on my bedstand…currently… Guns, Germs & Steel by Jared Diamond; Chain of Command by Seymour Hersh; An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore; Founding Brothers by Joseph J. Ellis
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