serrell [ Califreakinfornia! ] stretch betch profile picture

serrell [ Califreakinfornia! ] stretch betch

world famous-WORLD CHAMPiONS..Wildcats..i like it too baby!

About Me

Well first off i LOVE meeting people and making new friends. Since i've moved down to San Marcos from up North in San Jose..i've become alot more outgoing and alot less shy..which has made me alot happier and alot more fun to be around. Cheerleading is a HUUUUUUUUGE part of ym life and i could never leave the cheer world. I Currently cheer for California Allstars [ CA Bullets ] Lrg. Sr Coed 5 team and i'm so happy to be part of a team that is a serious contender for taking over the world..LiTERALLY. I Love California and nearly everythign about it and i don't think i could ever live anywhere else permanently..pero i really wanan travel and meet people from all over the country [ which cheering gives me an opportunity to do ] and possibly even travel out fo the country like to Europe. I love my family and i love my sister..she means everything to me. I dunno much about my Heritage as far as like culture and tradition..pero i know i have lineage from Africa and Cuba - work me goddamit.
Ohh and B T W .. Welcome To My Worldddd ....
.. HATE ON iT.

My Interests

modeling intrigues me
plastic surgery intrigues me
members of the same sex REALLY intrigue me =]
i love reading people and analyzing them.

I'd like to meet:

He who openly opposes me BiTCH!


pretty much anything with a good beat to dance to for HipHop...and anyone with a gorgeous voice like Celine or Whitney or Gavin Degraw/Jason Mraz.. etc. and i Love Cheer music hahha-hate on it.


wayyy too many so let's go by Genre;
i like GOOD Love movies..pero not sappy ones.
i love a movie that can make me cry or get really emotionally into it.
i love good action movies with amazing fight scenes
i love supernatural type jazz
and 80's and 90's movies be reaaaal bomb.
Oh and i love me some scary movies.


i don't have cable anymore =/..pero i LOVE LOVE LOOOOVE
Desperate Houswewives
Grey's Anatomy
Real World
Road Rules
RR/RW Challenges
Reality Tv
Tyra Banks Show
Janice Dickinson's Modeling Agency
Ugly Betty

p.s...Heroes is an effing Phenomenon so watch it if you wanna bring meaning to your life.

My Blog

Cheer Survey .. duhh

CHEER SURVEY. FINALLY A SURVEY CREATED FOR NERDS LIKE US!Name:Serrell DavisTeam:South Bay EliteStunt Position:base[[i can backspot too]]Highest tumbling pass ever thrown:uum idenno i can do anything i...
Posted by serrell [ Califreakinfornia! ] stretch betch on Wed, 21 Dec 2005 01:40:00 PST