Adam profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a college student/audio engineer/wanderer....I move around a lot, but Nashville is my "home base"...I am never comfortable with being in the same place for too long..I aspire to work in major films one day as an audio post engineer or who knows, maybe even a director..I am also a musician (guitar, drums, piano, dj, and now candolin)..I LOVE other words are necessary..As far as my personality..I'm outgoing, loyal, honest (sometimes too honest apparently), funny (well sometimes), and on that note, lame...I'm impatient, moody, a daydreamer, an over-thinker, complicated (who isn't?), ambitious but also lazy (little bit of a conflict there I know)...I always try hard, but fall those around me, but seldom find it suitable in return..I'm always five minutes late, never take a movie rental back on time (it's my dedication to film)..I am thoughtful, generous, and no thief (one of my biggest pet peeves)I am really happy to be where I'm at for the of the most exciting and terrifying crossroads of my life...decisions, decisions...taking it one day at a time......

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My Interests

Music, Film, writing music, guitar, drums, piano, outdoor activities like rockclimbing, camping, hiking, hitchhiking *kidding*

I'd like to meet:

people in general that share my interests, my passion for music and film, and maybe just people that have a great since of humor about life in general...I like sarcastic people, genuine people who are comfortable in their own skin..people who have the guts to be honest even when it's difficult get my deepest respect..


Hard Rock, Metal, Blues, Jazz, Funk, House, Drum n Bass, Hip-Hop (as long as it's got some kind of meaning not just about "bling-bling" and ho's, rims and ganstas....get over it), Acid Jazz, Trip-Hop, Alternative, Classical, whatever


I love comedies, dramas, and action movies...


Don't watch much TV, too much "reality"...right


Never finished a book...but i'm an excellent reader..i'm saving this hobby for retirement


My true friends are my heroes...