Music (Janet Jackson); Sports (I.U. GO HOOSIERS) (Indianapolis Colts) (Indiana Pacers)
I have been a dj for the past 7+ years, professionally for 6 years. I enjoy all types of music. I obviously love Janet Jackson. My other favorites include The Beatles, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Michael Jackson, Alanis Morrissette, Pink, Missy Elliot, Carly Simon, Whitney Houston, Garth Brooks, Reba McIntire, Kelly Clarkson, and the list goes on and on. So as you can see, I can pretty much listen to anything as long as it has a good beat. I like to give credit where it's due, and I believe that Michael Jackson has done more for the music industry and has changed the music industry more than any other artist, ever!!! Music videos were unheard of before MJ, and his Thriller album can't and won't ever be outsold!!!
.. ..America's Next Top Model, Ugly Betty, Desperate House Wives, Grey's Anatomy, Family Guy, Futurama, Days of our Lives, Passions, Tyra Banks, Ellen, Dancing With The Stars, American Idol, Project Runway,
Amirage - She's amazing!!! Life has thrown her curve ball after curve ball and she never gives up. She's a fighter and a survivor and a truly great person. I'm so glad she's my mamma!!! She's taught me so much, and I feel that I'm a better person because of her. I love her!!! visit her website @ www.amirage.netMy Grandma - She's truly the most amazing woman I have ever met. There have been times in my life when she was the only person in my corner and the only person in the world that believed in me and supported me and loved me for me. She basically raised me and when others in my family judged me and practically disowned me, she stood up and defended me. I can honestly say that I know the meaning of unconditional love, because she loved me no matter what, and believe me, I tested it many, many times. There was nothing in the world she wouldn't do for me, and I only hope some day i can make her hard work pay off and make her proud of me. The worst day of my life came to be Christmas Day, 2005, when she lost her battle with cancer and passed away. I think about her every day and know she is watching me from God's side and still loving me unconditionally, despite the fact that i fuck up occasionally. she's my guardian angel!!!