StrawVerri profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I always hate filling these things out because what can you post on here that doesnt seem like you are trying to sell yourself to a bunch of strangers?!?!
If you want to get to know me... the best way is to read my blogs....
What else can I say about myself?

I used to have on here that I was a positive person yet as I think about it, I realize more often than not I tend to prepare for the worst because I EXPECT the worse, which would in actuality make me a negative person rather than a positive one. Regardless, I am ALWAYS smiling!!! I am easily amused and I also seem extremely hyper, which would probably be due to the fact that I am a dork.
I have found that people always try to define me and put me in a box, so if I must fit into a box my box is definitely not a cube! Whatever label is placed on me be it Chicana, Republican, Mormon, female, minority and whatever other stereotype label you want to pick there tends to be something in my personality, thoughts, or actions that contradicts it. (I am a walking oxymoron)

Just a little bit more about me
I love chocolate pudding.
I am not a lesbian, but I would turn lesbian for Salma Hayek.
I love Tupperware and probably know more about the stuff than an actual Tupperware representative does.
I love popsicles.
I am on the CARNE ASADA DIET. Hell NO I would never turn vegan.
Experiment 626 Rocks!
I am obsessed with Harry Potter. My kids say he is my boyfriend.
I like bubbles, A LOT. I convinced my kids to get a bubble machine last time we went to Costco because I wanted it!
I like Jackie Chan... LONG FUNNY STORY. My kids say he is my boyfriend as well.
I have glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling above my bed. I want to add more.
I don't do drugs BUT I do drink Red Bull and AMP. Full Throttles are ok and Monsters SUCK (too much sugar).
I like Star Wars, not a geek but yes a fan!
I am not a tree hugger, but I do recycle.
I support the troops.
My toes are usually cold.
I leave the cap off the toothpaste.
I leave the kitchen cabinets open.
I sleepwalk.
I have been called a redneck on several occasions.
I don't smoke. Tumor causing, teeth staining, smelly, pukey habit. Enough said.
I like sticky notes.
I love Jepoardy! Some dude in high school used to call me "Jepoardy Girl."
Ozomatli. Need I say more?!
Sharpie Markers are awesome.
SNICKERS should be part of the food pyramid.
I steal the covers.
I finally learned the code on how to make bullets on myspace because the arrows sucked.
I have 4 kids... Don't ask me about them unless you want me to go on and on about how awesome and smart they are!
More than likely I have lost an earring recently.
I love clorox wipes.
I like Aquafina, but sometimes drink Gatorade.
I dont mind doing laundry, but I HATE FOLDING!
$6 guacamole bacon cheeseburgers (from Carl's Jr.) are mmmm... *drool* (hambiggies!!)
Cinnamon ALTOIDS!!!!
If you knew what I was capable of... then you would never piss me off. (just ask my ex~~mwahahahahaha~~)
I like washing pots and pans, but I hate washing utensils.
I like playing chess... even though I suck at it and always get my ass kicked when I do play..
I used to bite my nails. KEYWORDS: "Used to"
I don't dance (lack of coordination)
I hate mint and chip ice cream.
LEMON HOT Cheetos are good for breakfast!
I am a homebody.
I like building puzzles.
I like playing video games (PS2). My current addiction is Rampage, but my favorite is Dragon Warrior VII.
I always carry my "bag of tricks."
UNO Cards are an essential.
I always carry a Suduko book.
I have a hat and a guitar pick.
I always carry hand sanitizer and handi wipes.
Pocket tissue is a nessecity, not a luxury.
I have a thing about "licking" people.
I always lose my blousing straps.
Sunflowers are my favoritestest flower.
I haven't seen the sunlight in ?? days. (I lost count a while ago.)

...stay tuned!!!
If you want to chat can be reached at:
.. StrawVerri
Yahoo: StrawVerri
MSN: Strawverri at hotmail dot com

My Interests


ALWAYS listening to music

collecting postcards

video games (PS2)

Conspiracy Theories/Supernatural Phenomenon


I'd like to meet:

People who can agree to disagree

People who have a good sense of HUMOR!


I have met a quite a few people from myspace as well as from the internet. My current list of people that "I want to meet from myspace" is listed below, If you are not on it sucks to be you or I have already met you.

1. Thrasher
-- He is HELLA cool (LMAO!~ I love it when you say that word!). Honestly, I never thought we would be friends, but he ranks up there pretty high on my list of favorite people out there!

2. Roy
--what can I say? easily one of the most intelligent persons I have has the pleasure of chatting with and good tastes in politics.

4. Linda --My bumblebee! This way cool chica lives far from me, yet it seems we have already met. Her lemon cookies are awesome and she is a great friend. The day I meet her I am going to: Woooooooo HOOOOOO!.

3. Parker --MY PARKERFACE!!! ok sooo you are on my list just cause I want to steal your patch!

5. Kika --Chica!! Kika ROCKS (literally!)!! She is "sexy!" One day, Kika and I will live in Idaho and be able to hang out! She is kewl beans!!!

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My faves include, but are not limited to:

    Country!!!!! (don't ask how I got hooked but I did)
    Go Betty Go


Favorites inclued but are not limited to:

    The Sandlot
    Princess Bride
    Star Wars (all of them!!)
    Finding Nemo
    Remember the Titans
    The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
    The Godfather
    Rocky movies (except Rocky 5)
    The Gladiator
    Night at the Roxbury
    Lilo and Stich
    The Karate Kid (1-2)
    The Goonies
    Tarzan (disney version)
    The Incredibles
    Sound of Music
    Fiddler on the Roof
    Clash of The Titans
    Forrest Gump
    The Patriot
    A Walk to Remember
    The Last of the Mohicans
    Indiana Jones Movies
    Pulp Fiction
    Kill Bill Vol. 1 and Vol. 2
    *Batteries Not Included*
    Good Will Hunting
    Harry Potter Movies
    Fly Away Home
    Independance Day
I will add more as I remember


I do not watch Television.

I recieve junk mail and If you would like to recieve some too click here... I get a bonus if you sign up...

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Favorites include but are not limited to:
Fave genres are Fantasy and Non-fiction
Authors: Don Miguel Ruiz
J.R. TOlkien
J.K. Rowling
Roald Dahl
Dr. Seuss
Shel Silverstien
David Baladcci
Micheal A. Stackpole
C.S. Lewis
Mary Shelly
Orson Scott Card
Gerald Lund
Chris Heimerdinger
Frank Hebert
Dean Hughes
Robert A. Heinlein
Alfredo Mirandé
Starship Troopers
Pedegogy of the Oppressed
The Chicano Experience
Gringo Justice
Lord of the Rings
DragonLance series
Harry Potter
Ender's Game (Both Enders' story and Bean's story)
The Prince
48 Laws of Power
The Art of War
Series of Unfortunate Events
Artemis Fowl books
Robinson Crusoe
The Awakening
Where the lilies grow
Love you forever
Chronicles of Narnia
La Conquista de Nueva España
One the Line:Inside the US Border Patrol
Hard Line
The Devil's Highway
Soldiers (Keegan and Holmes)
The DaVinci Code
Twilight on the Line
A Child called It
A wrinkle in time
yadda yadda yadda I could go on all night and ALL day...............pretty much I ♥ TO READ and I will read ANYTHING except that Romance crap.


U.S. Military (Marines, Army, Air Force, Navy, and Coast Guard)
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."
Paris Sorbonne,1910
"It is better to die on your feet than to live a lifetime on your knees."
Emiliano Zapata
Mexican Revolutionary

My Blog


I went to that boimetric health screening thing and was told I was obese. I said DUH!  I work 3rd shift, I am the mother of 4 kids,  I am old and I am Mexican.  What do you expect??&nbs...
Posted by StrawVerri on Wed, 07 May 2008 12:42:00 PST


I need to rant about stupid people that cannot say stuff to your face and would rather talk about you behind your back.  I figured that at this point I should take my own advice because I cannot ...
Posted by StrawVerri on Wed, 07 May 2008 12:32:00 PST

remember when you mother told you....

Remember when your mother told you not take candy from a stranger?         This is who she was talking about!...
Posted by StrawVerri on Sun, 04 May 2008 07:52:00 PST

my stalker is back..

I can't sleep... I am just itchy all over. it sucks.  Work was great last night I wish I had more nights like that.  someone told me the other day that I was going to go to hell for what I ...
Posted by StrawVerri on Sun, 04 May 2008 11:41:00 PST

I figured.... "what the hey... I will give it a shot.."

I figured it wouldn't hurt to give it a try excepting getting a ton of junk mail which happens anyway and then I figured what the hey maybe someone else might be interested in getting a ton of junk ...
Posted by StrawVerri on Sat, 03 May 2008 10:16:00 PST

post traumatic stress disorder

as soon as I can I will post pics..... I did it. I cut my hair 2 days ago.... I broke the person's scissors and I started crying... I even cried later when i went into Sally's beauty supply right afte...
Posted by StrawVerri on Fri, 02 May 2008 04:52:00 PST

I don’t want to know...

My head hurts. I am going to cut my hair 10-12 inches sometime this week.  I should still have enough to keep it shoulder lenghth.  doin the locks of love thing since I figured it might as ...
Posted by StrawVerri on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 08:16:00 PST

caffiene addict

I am extremely over the top pissed at someone who will remain unnamed for his own safety because when I come to my senses I might end up regretting any harm that might be caused as I did once in my pa...
Posted by StrawVerri on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 02:36:00 PST

I just might be allergic to cats

I am officially a "tia"-for you non spanishers that means "aunt" Of course, I had nephews and neices when I was married to Arch because his sister and brother had kids but that was then and technicall...
Posted by StrawVerri on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 01:29:00 PST

red bull so my head explodes

My last writing about the major decision to make is inaccurate.  The decision has already been made it is just how to go about making the decision final.  Final is the wrong word.  I m...
Posted by StrawVerri on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 07:47:00 PST