"The Man of Tommorro!" & Morrissey he makes my heart bleed
My dad, it's been so long.....*sniff sniff*.....so I think by now the intrest on his unpaid child support should be juuuuuust right!
Morrissey, Los Smiths, Johnny Cash, Los Killers, KROQ stuff, Ochentas y mucho mas! cartoon layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com
"Braveheart" "Gladiator" "Troy" anything where the hero gets layed and dies in battle. THe trailor for "300" looks bad ass, scheck it out!
"Smallville" "Lost" That new show "Heros" is getting good, "The Office" Netflix'd "The Shield" recently only took me a month to watch all 4 avaliable seasons, me likey!
"The Hobbit" pretty good so far!
My Mommy she has been and always will be my biggest fan. I love ya!....