My name is Kevin....Im really into music and art.I like to make friends. And I have lots of hobbys.
FX,Movie Fx, Latex mask,Martial Arts,Samurai/japan,Scottland,Ireland,Star Wars,Guitars, Metal Music, Indie,Bass,Vocal, Comics, 3d Art, Painting, Cars, Women, Wrestleing, and all things Horror
Anyone who isn't afraid to be themselves.
Everything except rap and pop.
House of 1000 Courpses,Blade, The Crow, Braveheart, Nightmare Before Christmas, Akira, Friday, Matrix,Donnie Darko, Napoleon Dynamite,Black Snake Moan,all horror, and the entire Star Wars Series.
Transformers,UFC,Simpsons, Smallville,Venture Bros.,Naruto, xfiles,highlander,friday the 13th, all anime....
H.P Lovecraft, Comics (To many to list)