Member Since: 9/5/2007
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Band Members: M*O*S*H is a hard rock band hailing from the town of Bismarck, ND. The band consists of Jermey James on lead vocals, Alan aka DVS Drummer on the drums, Captain Sugar Free on rhythm guitar, and James on bass guitar. The band got together around 2007 after coming from different bands. Jermey James and Captain Sugar Free played together in a prior band. After a few line up changes they discovered DVS and asked him to join. His quick sticks, hard hitting style and mad beat skills were a perfect addition to the band. Shortly after getting DVS on board we got Craig M to take the lead guitar spot. Both Craig and DVS had come from other bands in the area. DVS played in Cope. Graig played in Dry. M*O*S*H started to work on covers and then we discovered Josh, who jumped on board to fill in the vacant bass position. Many practices followed and soon after we played our first show with the local bands Reeving and The Band Formerly Known as Magumbo. A while after the show we parted ways with Josh, giving him the opportunity to pursue music more in his style. We wish him the best of luck in his future endevours. We tried a couple of bass players out and met a couple of great guys! Then came James, a bass player for our friends DVSU, said he was interested in playing for us!! We then played our next show once again at the VFW and had a good crowd, but technical difficulties were evident during the show. After the show we made a tough decision and decided to part ways with Craig. We know he will do great in whatever new endevour he decides to pursue and wish him the best.jermey james = Lead VocalsDVS DrummerCaptain Sugar Free=GuitarsJames=Bass guitars
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