dRaWiNg, VidEo GaMeS, dAnCiNg, SiNgiNg/KaRaOke, wAtCHiNg TV/ViDeOs, RETRO STUFF, aNd uSiNg ThE CoMpUtEr.... BaCkYaRd WrEsTLiNg is CooL toO! (X-TReMe!!)....i play "TWILI:apparel" by myself (that's an acronym for "The Way I Like It". i mix & match my own style of clothing). FRICK YOU, IF YOU THINK MY STYLE SUCKS!
**sigh.... "MendOksE!!"
somebody play with me!!
SHELEEN!! (many more times)....MY SIGNIFICANT OTHER, Luningning(many more times), TVXQ, The TRAX, BoA, H.O.T, PaPa RoAcH, Wu-TaNg CLaN, Aki Hoshino,(i can go on & on) .... i wanna MeEt My sTeP BrOThErS aNd/oR SiSTeRs FrOm ArOuNd ThE wOrLd!!i wanna meet everyone on my friend list!!
i LiSTeN tO aNyKiNd oF MuSic....AsiAn-POP, RocK, HiP-HoP, UndERGRoUnd, ReGgAE, TeChNo/RavE/TrAnCe, RaP, cLaSsiC, and R&B....i can't forget about SKA/PUNK!! i love it!! (CoUnTRy, oN The oTHeR HaNd....uhhhh, iT's okay.)
i dedicate this to you. The suckiest part about being single in my opinion is.... i really HATE seeing people who are in LOVE if i'm not in even in love.
i watch a lot of shows when it comes to TV. Basically, i watch whatever i want to watch.
like boombah(lol):
2xTrEmE: ThE "HaRdYBoYz"
2XtReME's: ExiSt 2 iNSpiRe, the OUTSidERS.... oThEr ThaN ThaT, CoMiCs & MaGaZiNes FoR VidEo GaMeS, the dictionary or the thesaurus(the dinosaur).
MOMMY, 2nd dad, BRoTHeRs, CoUsiNs, interesting people, aNd =PrOjEcT:WhoA!?=