felicitySIEW profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

-=gURl=- who is veri active, ull find mi aT sentoSa eveRy sundaE, cluBBin eveRy weD n saT wiThouT faiL orH!!! im oSo a chEErfuL guRl, alWay lOOkin on e briGht siDe,happi go lucky is mY moTTo...wink*

My Interests

1:cluBBin aT zouK aNd mHd suLtan 2:seNtoSa 3:voLLeybaLL 4:swiMMing 5:beaCh aNd suN 6:moVies 7:toWn

I'd like to meet:

anyonE whO wanTo mEEt mi n makE mi aS theiR frEnz...


1:reTro 2:tEcHnO 3:chinEsE sonGs 4:enGlisH sonGs 5:etc...


1:loRd oF thE rinGs 2:haRRy poTTer 3:broThEr beaRs 4:S.W.A.t 5:jU-oN


1:sCv chaNNeL 55 aNd 56 2:honGkonG aNd taIwan dRama sEriEs 3:aRe yoU hOt? 4:thE bacHeloR


maGazinEs peRhapS...