Hanging out with my friends, having a good time, llue Roses, tattoos, body piercings, starbucks, art, fashion, music, Unicorns, fairies, sticky hands,feeling special, having fun, traveling and stand up comedy
Marilyn Monroe, Charles Manson,Cameron Diaz,Walt Disney and Sleeping Beauty
Everything from Eminem to My Chemical Romance to Metallica to Allison Kraus
The Sweetest Thing, Napolean Dynomite, Hardball, Troy, 10 Things I Hate About You, Dumb and Dumber, Sleeping Beauty, Love and Basketball, Saw, Saw 2 , Grandma's Boy, Ice Age, Ice Age 2, The Others, The Phatom of the Opera, and Darkness Falls
Sponge Bob, CSI, Sex and the City, Laguna Beach, True Life, Sweet Sixteen, Trading Spaces, Law & Order, The Real World, Family Guy, Meet the Barkers, Project Runway,The closer and Saved
Ain't She Sweet, I Wish I Never Met You, The Notebook, Ryhmes With Witches, Guess What He's Not That Into You, Be Honest- You 're Not That Into Him Either, It's Called A Break Up Because It's Broken,The Chicken Soup Books, and A Million Little Pieces
My momma, my nanny, Katie Cole, Ashley Rusie, and The inventor of sticky hands