DC,sOCcEr, MuSic, PhOtOGraPhy, PC gAmeS,saka ug bukid kung dili hubakun, Sa Una BaTa paKu Ky TeNnIs
SoMeOnE WhO cAn mAkE mY SuNsEt lAsT FoReVer
tanan local bands sa cdo, MAZZY STAR, hem, A PERFECT CIRCLE, tori amos, ani difranco, cynthia alexander, guano apes, tracy bonham, veruca salt and a loooooot more..
beh?Old skool movies to tinigulang movies... too many to mention..hehhe
CARTOOONS!saturday night live, that 70's show, the nanny and a lot more....
the little prince, the alchemist, summer of my german soldier, childrens books by dr. seuss, ug daghan pa
coolest papa ever, and super duper mama