Krylonizer profile picture


Show her you love her; smack her around & tell her you should've killed her when you had the cha

About Me

Ok... so I'm 25 I have no social life because I go to school (unenthusiastic yay Nait), when I'm not at school I work. I'm kind of sick of filling out these things with details and crap, so bare with me as I muddle through this.
Right now I have hair, brown eyes too ( I affectionately reffer to them as "poo" brown). I'm laid back, and I'm usually pretty mellow unless I'm working or out of ganja. I like to know things. I like to know a little bit about a lot of topics/subjects... sometimes a lot about some subjects/topics near and dear to my heart (I'm not gonna list 'em, if you want to know I guess you'll have to get to know me!)
I don't drive anymore... I donated my baby '78 Chevy Malibu Classic to the kidney foundation for a $50 tax credit last year. Its a sad story, I don't like to dwell on it. So I have since replaced my car with my new baby... my BMX! *WOOT WOOT*
Music is always going to be important to me, its a big part of my life. I enjoy it for many reasons on many levels. My musical interests are very broad, spanning into genres some of you have probably never heard of. Regardless whatever it is that I'm obsessed with listening to you can be sure that it is GOOD. As the son of a radio broadcaster who's career spanned 45 odd years, I'd say it was inevitable.
Knuckle Bruiser
People Iced: Forty
Car Bombs Planted: Two
Favorite Weapon Shank
Arms Broken: Eleven
Eyes Gouged: Thirteen
Tongues Cut Off: Seven
Biggest Enemy: Rusty Rastelli
Get Your HITMAN Name

C'mon... seriously nobody actually believes in these horoscope things. Do they?
You have an awesome imagination, and often put it to use for sexual purposes. You are very romantic and dont hook-up with random people very often. Because sex to you is about showing your love, you are incredibly romantic in bed, and very giving. You tend be in a serious relationship more often then not. Sex matches: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio
Take this quiz at

My Interests

To say that I'm diverse in my interests is the tongue in cheek way of putting it. I love my music. Seriously. Whatever it is... (and Ya I'm tooting my own horn here but prove me wrong), because if I'm listening to it you KNOW its good.Hip Hop culture has won my heart, in all kinds-o-ways:

from the beats... Bboyin

Round 1

Round 2

The Final Battle the more visual graff side


I'd like to meet:

Both George Lucas and Bill Gates -so I can ask for my money backedit:Mr. Lucas' only saving grace is that he has enabled me to us this image to depict exactly how much it would rock to kick both of their a$$e$
George Bush Jr. -so I could put a bullet in him because he's evil like Hitler, and maybe try to save this planet much undo anguish....


MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC: classic rock - punk rock - metal - hip hop - reggae - rockabilly - ska - jazz - house - FUNKY house - D&B - jungle - BREAKZ - speed garage... like I said music and I, we're tight, we go way back*


Star Wars, The Freshest Kids, Wild Style, Human Traffic, Poolhall Junkies, Cope II -Kings Destroy, What The Bleep Do You Know, The Notorious Betty Page, Dazed and Confused,


we're the Nintendo generation we were raised on Super Mario Bros. and Bubble Bobble. So in honor of that... i give you this. Enjoy!


Books?!? People don't read any more! hahaha C'mon
...besides doesn't taking a bat to the face sound like more fun?


Henry Rollins, The Dhali Lhama, anyone from the original Rock Steady Crew, people with jetpack, Lemme from Motorhead, and...

My Blog

For all you hip hop heads and bboys... enjoy

DJ and Electronic Music Subculture VideosRippin it !Amazing BreakdancerBreakdance - Rivers vs MB CrewBreakdancersBreakdance - DriftersBreakdance - ObowangBreakdance - Omar and Ronnie vs Physics and Ho...
Posted by Krylonizer on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 12:43:00 PST

R.I.P. Steve Irwin - The Crocodile Hunter 09/04/06

This is a great clip of Steve Irwin on Conan O'Brien.  Its weird... sometimes you really don't understand how much some people will be missed until they're gone ...and who would have ever thought...
Posted by Krylonizer on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 09:53:00 PST

...back to school!?!?

In the span of one week I've gone from my good ol' stand-by "Fuck university/college!  Why spend a whole a shit load of money for nothing?" mentality (which btw I truly embraced), to being a full...
Posted by Krylonizer on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 08:54:00 PST