right now, as my friends, family, and total strangers I meet on the street can attest to, all my focus is on my movie. Right now I'm learning how to use Maya software, which is what is used by ILM and other companies to create things like Yoda, the Hulk, Dobby, and Gollum. I'm also messing around with After Effects (software used for movies and TV shows, notably "Aqua Teen") and a crapload of other software to make my movie.The sun rises and falls around comics for me. The people at the local comic shop know my by voice.
well, George Carlin is my god, so I'd gladly meet him. Another of my idols is Michael Turner, but I've met him and hopefully will be working for him in about six months. I'd also like to meet Jack and Meg white.
EminEm is my favorite artist, the White Stripes are my favorite band. End of story.
The Raconteurs rock, too, but only cause of Jack White
my two favorite movies are Fight Club and Secret Window (and you'll be able to tell that by my movie) I also love Kevin Smith's films, Chasing Amy is my favorite of them, though, as Cecilya can attest to
Family Guy, South Park, and Simpsons are my current favorites. I also really love Dark Angel, Dead Like Me, Reaper, and Heroes
favorite book of all time: Red Dragon, by Thomas Harris.
I also like:
Wizard and Glass- Stephen King
On Writing- Stephen King
Black House-Stephen King
Harry Potter- JK Rowling
  *notably Prisoner of Azkaban and Half-Blood Prince
Sword of Truth- Terry Goodkind
  *notably Stone of Tears and Temple of the Winds
Michael Turner. The man battled severe cancer for two years, and made a recovery so fast that he's now used as an example in the field... width="425" height="350" ....KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!