Vick profile picture


Faith is the ability to not panic.

About Me

I'm a bitch, I'm a lover♥,I'm a child,I'm a mother,I'm a sinner, I'm a saint,I do not feel ashamed,I'm your hell,I'm your dream,I'm nothing in between,I'm a tease♥,I'm a goddess,On my knees,When you hurt,When you suffer,I'm your angel undercover,I've been numb,I'm revived,Can't say I'm not alive,You know I wouldn't want it any other way....------------cursor---------------
Myspace tweaks at MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

anyone really..


aNy damn thiNg wiT caTchy b3at~


aNy fReakin moVie wit cute boiZ n huSky men ♥anD noT-s0-gorgeous kitTenS anD has 2 aVe lotSa swEat,Heat,lauGhter,fLirtin♥,pUnch lines,gUrl-ditcHing-guY secene,maYbe a bit o' cAt fighT,bEtrayel,anD all th0se shiAtt whiCh makes uS humAn sQuiRm wEn watcHing...hmm..


pRogramMES?? lyk i seD,lotsa laUghter n mAkin out??! hehahaha


sEx anD beTrayel..stEert smArt..fascin8s mE~♥


coLLin phArell...joHnny..owh..♥johnnY depP♥ her0...anD...barney..yipee!~