I'll cop out - I'm a gemini - what time is it? what was I doing? Oh yeah, that was yesterday, today I like this new thing.
Seriously, my brain hurts trying to identify what interests me. I guess on the top of my list is people. They are fascinating. What makes us tick and why? Next, well that would be what ever caught my attention in that moment in time.
What Color is Your Soul? {8 results + artsitic pics}
Your Soul is Purple - Artist, dreamer, creative. You are lost in your thoughts, and have a dislike of reality (probably finding it boring). You have to remeber that every idea is based off the reality you know. Magic is everyware, you just have to see it. Thinking, and creating things, are your top priorities (not to mention what you are best at). Keep at it, a little imagination can take you far.
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Possibly you.
No seriously, I may possibly be looking for you. I'm always looking for friends and if you are looking at this profile, obviously something caught your attention. If you think I'm interesting enough that you actually slogged through my rambling above, write me. I don't promise to be the best communicator in this world, but I have made some amazing friends (male and female) through the internet.
You Are a Seeker Soul
You are on a quest for knowledge and life challenges.
You love to be curious and ask a ton of questions.
Since you know so much, you make for an interesting conversationalist.
Mentally alert, you can outwit almost anyone (and have fun doing it!).
Very introspective, you can be silently critical of others.
And your quiet nature makes it difficult for people to get to know you.
You see yourself as a philosopher, and you take everything philosophically.
Your main talent is expressing and communicating ideas.
Souls you are most compatible with: Hunter Soul and Visionary Soul
What Kind of Soul Are You?
My favorite person John and his band the aftereffect, this is his website www.theaftereffekt.com/
Rock, Classic Rock, Rhythm and Blues, Jazz, Country, Classical, Opera, New Age, World, Folk. . . . . see a trend?
I pretty much like most music, although within every one of the categories listed above there are artists I love and artists I can't stand listening to. I tend to judge each song and each note for its own merit, not the classification of music it belongs to.
Princess Bride, movies based on comics, B rated movies at 1am (for those moments of total exhaustion) some chick flicks like French Kiss, action movies like Blade and martial arts movies, spoofs. . . about the only thing I don't watch is horror movies
What is Your Native American Totem?
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Recovering bibliophile. . . . .
Love reading but won't list a favorite book or subject. Decided a while back that my taste changes depending on my mood, so why bother classifying it. (Although I will admit a weakness for the Sci Fi/Fantasy Genre)
At this point, I'm reading up on philosophy, religion and self-help. Love all three of those catagories 'cause they make you have to think beyond yourself and about yourself. If you don't know who you are and what/where you are in this world/universe and beyond, who will?
My mom, my dad and my sister
My mom was my best friend, I can only hope that as I continue to grow and to live my life, that if she were here I would make her proud.
My sister, she will be shocked to read this, but she has been my heroe ever since I can remember. (well except maybe that time she hit me in the head with the leash by accident, but even then she was my heroe, I covered for her) Growing up, she was the person I always wanted to be like, I wanted to be as smart and as pretty as she was. As adults, I admire her strength, willpower, energy and ability to make the world happen. She is raising two of the best kids I know, she gave up her career to raise them, I admire that so much, as I really do beleive it is part of why they are so wonderful. My sister and mother have both been my inspiration through my life, and I only hope I can be half the person they each are.
My dad is a wonderful man, he was a terrific husband who loves my mother even today. I hope that one day I meet a man who can love me the way he loves my mom. He is a strong man, one who is quiet, but I've never doubted he loved me or my sister. Today, I admire the way he has managed to survive losing my mom, and how he has been there for the rest of the family.
Anyone who is willing to be themselves and challenge the reality that they live in.