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Above are the series of paintings I did based on the manson girls, (old negatives}.
Above are the series of paintings i did based on leah hirsig,crowley's scarlet lady from the abbey of thelema,her magical name being Alostrael.
Exploring art through,images,music,painting,drawing,photographs,film
and text.
I am interested in how we tie things together and view our reality, how things overlap and become distorted and how we become containted in some type of lego land assemblage of reality. My work often deals with a merging of ideas in layers-often trying to build a depth of surface through philosophical concepts by visual allegory.Often I dwell on magical mechanisms, machine..nature combinations, making assertions towards words such as "activated attensions, trigger switch, utopias, metamorphic dessert narriatives, arise angels, morphic resonance", as I look upon them as telepathy , interconnection symbols or free association spells.
I also often make parodies of internal struggles which manifest through squiggles and robotic images, fetish voodoo rituals, pods, gadgets and shrines. I also summon up old negatives through some type of cartharsis by making refrence to cultural oulaws, criminals, magicians, cultural suprression symbols or just graffiti.All my work is carried out through a multitude of medias, painting,drawing ,assemblages ,instillations.
In my recent work I have tried to challenge structures in my own work examining contexts of my personal aesthetics within painting and communication.recent photographic work has been dealing with zones from my paintings,The zones have a feeling of autonomy making them appear complete even though being only a sector of a painting.This is achieved by connecting thier opposite poles.I feel this can be seen to put forward a different concept of communuication held within a painting.It can also put forward a pastiche of the illusion of seperateness creating a parody of modern times..
spirit machine.
weather forcasts,pain,majikal re-entry,words,doing art for no purpose,trying to stop,can,t ,wanting exhibition,not wanting exhibition,trying to find a purpose,a universal field of meaning,knowing thier aint one,taking the tablets,not taking them,wanting to write,fearing to be silly,listening to ginsberg,and dylan then thinking,ah deleuze,playing plasikman then thinking to hell with it all,ill make listening to closer by plastikman my art.
hail, Lee Lozano.hail lists,hail not doing,hail analogue filters.
above painting "THE PLACE OF DEAD ROADS",the title was taken from a william burroughs book.
nagual 7
a series of ongoing work like the nagual series,this work is an event construction of a list shrine.
I guess thier more like inter dimensional vectors then the actual,collaborations with spirits.
spell machines
i recently was talking to an artist from ghana about these spell machine insects i created quite a while ago,they are quite intricate drawings done quite quickly ,then blood is rubbed into them along with sperm,all in all a very powerfull procedure,the idea was to create something quite literally living,like a magical child on a creative plane, they seemed to quite literally blow him away,which i felt to be an honour seing his work had had a marked effect on me.
spaces inbetween spaces 1.
(quotes from Deleuze and Guattari's 'What is Philosophy?'):
"All that the association of ideas has ever meant is providing us with these protective rules-resemblance, contiguity, causality-which enable us to put some order onto ideas, preventing our 'fantasy' (delirium, madness) from crossing the universe in an instant, producing winged horses and dragons breathing fire."
"Painters go through a catastrophe, or through a conflagration, and leave the trace of this passage on the canvas, as of the leap that leads them from chaos to composition."
"The artist brings back from the chaos varieties that no longer constiute a reproduction of the sensory in the organ but set up a being of the sensory,a being of sensationon an anorganic plane of composition that is able to restore the infinite."
"In a violently poetic text, Lawrence describes what produces poetry:people are constantly putting up an umbrella that shelters them and on the underside of which they draw a firmament and write thier convention and opinions. But poets, artists, make a slit in the umberella, they tear open the firmament itself, to let in a bit of free and windy chaos and to frame in a sudden light a vision that appears through the rent."