"The greatest legacy you can leave is not a memory of your greatness, but a memory or you being a man or a woman who lived his or her life with the sole purpose being to please God." So basically nothing is as important in my life as God is. I have just recently been looking back at my life and realizing that there is no hope, but through Jesus Christ. He is my Lord and my Savior before anything else. Jesus has forgiven me and everyone who comes to him, and I want my will to be His. So if you wanna know more about me just get to know Jesus as your personal savior, and you will know at least who I want to be. I owe everything to Him, and I hope to praise Him and everything that I do! Jesus Saves! And a special thank to all of my friends that God has blessed me with. I hope that they can continue to hold me accountable, and build me up in my faith! (Jared, Brian, Chris, B, and Jake) GALATIANS 5:1"The final prayer of Jesus was about YOU. His final pain was FOR YOU. His final passion was FOR YOU. before He went to the cross, Jesus went to the garden. And when he spoke with His Father, YOU were in His prayers""JESUS KNOWS how you feel. You are precious to Him. So precious that He BECAME LIKE YOU so that you would come to Him. When you struggle, He listens. When you yearn, He responds. When you question, He hears. Jesus understands, He cares, and He will be with you-He will not only make a difference, He will be the difference" Matthew 28:20 Layout Provided By CodeMyLayout.com - Myspace LayoutsCodeMyLayout.com- Get your own Myspace Contact Tables here!